Examination of Shane O Roirke

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=809026r009] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:28 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1641-10-23
Identifier: 809026r009


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Investigative
Commissioners: Gerard Lowther, Hugh Cressy, Richard Bolton, Thomas Tempest
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 26r

The Examinacion of Shane O Roirke of Knockninny in the County of ffermannagh taken the 23th day of October 1641 before the right honorable the Lord Chauncellor the Lord Lowther Mr Justice Cressie The and Mr Attorney Generall.
<W> Whoe saith That vppon Tuesday Last as he remembreth hee mett with Hugh mc Gwire at Newtowne in the County of ffermannagh and that hee knew the said Hugh for about the space of seaven yeares and not more and that they twoe travailed together alone without any other Company that day and lodged that night at a towne Called Cleverne within twoe or three miles of Virginia about tenne miles beyond Kells and that on the next day being Wednesday <X> they twoe only travailed together thorough Kells to Arbrackan and there lodged that night and the next day beinge Thursday they travailed thorough Dunshoghlin and there mett a youth named Rory mc Gwire as hee himselfe said and that the Examinate, the said Hugh and Rory came together to Clownye and there Lodged that night at a Welsh mans howse and that they three the next day being ffriday travailed together to the Stony=brughter nere the Citty of Dublin and Came to the howse of <Y> one Browne there and that they three lodged that ffriday at night at the said Bro o nes Brownes howse. The fu Examinate further saith that yesterday being friday hee enquired of one that travailed vpon the way whose name hee knewe not

fol. 26v

<Z:> when the Lord Magwire would bee in Dublin towne whoe answeared this Examinate that hee heard his Lordshop would be in Dublin this day being Saterday or on Sunday or Monday and that the reason that this Examinate enquired for his Lordship was that the Lor hee vsually repaired to him when hee was in Dublin and that his lordship allwayes releiued this Examinate in what hee wanted <A> here And being demanded what occasion of busenesse hee this Examinante had to Dublin at this tyme hee saith that hee was a souldier vnder the Command of Captaine Rory Maguire the said lor d Magwire’s brother in the Regiment of Collonell Buttler which was lately dis disbanded about the begininge of sum August Last and that there was thirty shillings was still due to him ofor his pay for the tyme hee was a souldier and that hee Came to peticion against his Captaine or Collonell for his money
<B> The Examinate further saith that hee did see six or seaven men of the County of ffermannagh this Saturday morninge b vpon the Gree{n}e Called Oxmantowne Grene neare Dublin but knoweth not the said mens names
Shane [mark] O Roirke
his marke
Ri: Bolton canc
Gerrard Lowther Hu: Cressy Tho: Tempest.

fol. 27r

fol. 27v

Thexaminacion of
Shane O Roirke

23 oct: 1641
The examinacion of
Shane ô Roirke

Strong Circumstancs
1 he came to Dublin at
the appoynted tyme
2 he is a dependent
on the Lo magwyre
3 he enquireth for him
by the way
4 he was a souldier
to captayne Rory

Deponent Fullname: Shane O Roirke
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Hugh mc Gwire, Rory mc Gwire, * Browne, Lord Magwire, Rory Maguire, lord Magwire, Collonell Buttler
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned