‘Mr Simpson’s relation of the rebellion’

Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=836019r015] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:16 AM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 836019r015


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Armagh
Deposition Type: Waring Introduction
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Death, Robbery, Words
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 19r

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Mr Simpsons relation of the Rebellion as to S{ir} Phelim รด Neile
ffor his Rebellyon
Hee tooke Charlemonte Castle on frydaye the 22th of october 1641 & all the Armes & goods that were in ytt. This I have by the Relacion of my Ladye Caulfeilde

<A> Att my Cominge from Glasloghe to Armaghe, hee made a Composicion with the Inhabitants of the towne & Cuntrye who then had taken the Church for their safeguarde to yeild the Church vnto him & their Armes, & entred into articles with them that they should have their lyves & enyoye their goods in peace, & signed & sealed the said Articles which I read with mr Chapple, to whome & to the rest of the gent hee swore (as Mr Chapple tould mee) that hee did nothinge but by the kings Comande & by his especiall Comission, & Sir Philomy himselfe often toulde mee as much.

<B> hee confessed vnto mee that my lord mc Gwyre, hee, Rorye o Moore, & Rorye mc Gwyre mett severall mornings att a house neare St Marye Abbye in dublyn, where they Contrived the takinge of dublyn Castle, & all the Castles in the Northe, & att their goinge downe my lord mc Gwyre Carryed downe many musketts & Armes in truncks & Chests into the Cuntrye, & that Phillip o Realye had made 5000 pikes out of the woods of Loghearne, & bragged that hee had gotten one barrell of powder out of the store in Dublyn in his owne name, his brother Turloghes & Sir William Brownloues name, & would nowe geve 50 townelands for 50 barrells of powder & 50 musketts

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<C> Whilst I was prisoner in Armagh Sir Philomy o Neale was Created Earle of Tyrone att Tulloghoge, many proclamacions I heard made in Armaghe in the name of Sir Philomye o Neale Earle of Tyrone, & peticions directed to him as Earle of Tyrone, to which hee subscribed (Tirone) & hee himselfe said vnto mee that hee woulde have that Statute repealed that none borne in this kingdome shoulde bee Governours thereof, & then they woulde geve his Majestye the double Revenewe hee nowe receaved by waye of tribute

<D> Att a meetinge att Caricke by Sir Philomye, Culloe mc Bryan mc Mahone, & the rest of the gent of the Sept of the Mc Mahones, Phillip o Reelye, & the best gent of that Sept, the late Bishopp of Clogher that was killed att or neare dorrye, & many of the Clergye of these partes, there were dyvers Statuts made for the government of the Cuntrye in the name of Tyrone, wherein hee gave every one of the gent of the best qualitye authoritye to trye treasons & felonyes & to keepe Courts on their owne lands, the author the Coppy of which authoritye I sawe & read vnder his hande & seale, wherein hee wrote (wee) & accordinge to our Royall Intencion) In this his Comission the gent had power to Sesse all the lands in severall Countyes towards the mayntenance of the Catholique Armye except Church lands which were exempted att a former meetinge att Cavan. The Coppye of these ther proceedings <E> att Carick were brought mee to Ballelecke where I was a prisoner by one James kinge a servant to Bryan mc Hugh mc Rosse mc Mahone, whome I trusted & perswaded to goe to the meetinge, & whether I delivered a Coppie thereof to Sir Robert Meredith I doe not nowe remember.

fol. 20r

<f> Sir Philomye tould mee himselfe & so did his brother Turloghe that hee was appoynted att the first to goe vpp with the Lord Mc Gwyre to take Dublyn Castle & that hee was gone as farr as Caricke, & that the Cuntry recalled him & sent hugh Mc Mahone in his Roome because hee had bene a souldyer.
This ys all I Can saye Concerninge
Sir Philomye o Neales Rebbelyon
Sir Philomy Comanded in Cheife to the Seige of Agher Dredagh & Strabane, & burned Strabane.

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Mr Simpsons Relation
of the Rebellion as
to Sir Phelim o Neile.

Deponent Fullname: Mr Simpson
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Armagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: * Caulfeilde, Phelim , lord mc Gwyre, Rorye o Moore, Rorye mc Gwyre, Phillip o Realye, Turloghe *, Culloe mc Bryan mc Mahone, Bryan mc Hugh mc Rosse mc Mahone, Turloghe *, hugh Mc Mahone, mr Chapple, James kinge, Robert Meredith, William Brownloues
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Witness, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Witness, Witness, Mentioned, Mentioned