Examination of Walter Esmund et al.

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=818181r160] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:26 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1645-04-02
Identifier: 818181r160


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Death, Words
Commissioners: Francis Willoughby, Robert Fort
Deposition Transcription:

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The examjnacion of walter Esmund Ensigne of the foote Company lately commanded by the Lord Esmund deceased, taken before Sir francis willoughby and Sir Robert forth Knights and of his Majesties honorable Privy Councell in Ireland by direccion and vppon oath (for somuch as concernes others and not himself) ministred by the Clerk of the Councell by direccion of the Right honorable the lo: Lievtenant and Councell,
2 Apr: 1645
<o> The said Walter Esmund beeing duly sworne & examined as aforesaid saith that hee hath been theis twelve yeares past a soldier of the foote Company lately comanded by the lo: Esmund, and now at the late seege of the forte of Duncanon the Ensigne beeing slaine the examinant was from a serjeant made Ensigne,And <p> beeing demanded hee saith that a little before the time that Serjeant major Capron departed last from the forte of Duncanon, there beeing a Parliament shipp at the Porte of Duncanon there Lievtenant Larkan deceased, (who was then Lievtenant of the said lo: Esmunds foote Company) went from abo the said forte of Duncanon to the said shipp, and at his returne from the shipp to the forte hee brought with him a writing which <q> the examinant heard called a Covenant, And saith that

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that hee knoweth not whether the lo: Esmund signed the same or not, but saith that all the officers then in the said forte (except Capten Capron now major Capron,) and all the soldiers signed the same, and hee saith hee knoweth not whether or noe mr Lawrence Esmund did signe the same or not, but and that the examinant did heare that Mr Richard Vnderwood who was Chaplaine to the lo: Esmund did also signe the <r> same, And hee saith that hee knoweth of noe oath taken by the said lo: Esmund or any other in the said forte for the observation of the said Covenant, other then the said subscription And hee saith that the next day after Larcan came from aboard the said shipp there came s to the said forte as sent from the said shipp some provision of pease and oatmeale, <s> Hee saith that he conceiveth that the said Larkans [had] going to the parliament shipp and returneing from bringing the said Covenant from thence, was without the lord Esmunds direccion or allowance, for hee saith that the greater number by much of those that were in the said forte s[ i ] did side withe the said Larcan and were not ruled by the lo: Esmund, Hee <t> saith that when the seege began at the forte of Duncanon, there were therin the forte theis Commanders vizt the lo: Esmund, Capten Richard Esmund, [ ] who had major Caprons company & Lievtenant

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<v> Lievtenant Larcan, Hee saith that when the forte was rendered to the enemy, there was therin great store of oats and pease and beanes and holland Cheeses, and some of the corne was spoiled by a fireball that was throwen into the forte by the beseegers, but they wanted in the forte, beere, bread, fresh water, and men, their number of fighting men not beeing above fowrscore sevenscore, of whom divers w ere sick , & there wer about of the some 13 weare said sevenscore thirtie were seamen, sent from the parliament shipps, whose boates were sunck by a storme, soe as they could not gett beack from the forte, <w> Hee saith that mr Vnderwood was hee that made the composition with the enemy for rendring vpp the forte, Hee saith there was division among the men in the forte, some of them beeing false and 30 of them staid in the forte with the enemy after the forte was rendered,Hee saith that as hee heard from some of the enemy since the rendring of the forte, some of those that were false within the forte, and did tye lettres to bulletts and threwe them into the enemies trenches soe to give them intelligence of the state of the forte, <x> Hee saith that were was a mine sprung & a breache made in the sally=port before the forte was rendered, but there was noe breache made nor myne sprung on the forte or rampiers therof,Hee saith that Robert Blundell & a <y> drumer named william Bacon were the first that mooved for a partie for rendring vpp the forte and

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and were therin seconded imediatly by a many of the soldiers in the forte, which Blundell & Bacon were of those that staid in the forte with the enemy <z> when they became possessed therof, Hee saith that Mr Vnderwood the Chaplaine & lievtenant Polton were the men sent out to parlie for quarter <a> with the enemy, Hee saith that the remainder of the men (other then those that staid with the enemy) did departe thence, wherof about 43 men came hether with the examinant with divers widdoes and children, and the rest went for Bristoll as they said, Hee saith that there were in all in the forte eighteene peeces of ordinance, wherof two vnmounted, & <b> fowre murdering peeces, Hee saith hee conceives that if any wise man had been sent to parlie with the enemy, there might have been three or fowre peeces of ordinance saved by conditions, Hee saith there were in the forte at the rendring therof but Six barrells of powder seaven cartridges for ordinance & good store of spades shovells and <c> pickaxes, & other vtinsells, Hee saith that vnderwood at first tould them that the agreement for rendring the forte beeing made on friday, they might stay in the forte til munday, & yet on satturday hee caused them to departe not giving them time to stay til munday, wherby the poore soldiers lost much of what they might have brought with them for their relief, & were therby putt to much extremity <d> Hee saith the lo: Esmund staid in the forte vntil the munday after the conditions of rendring made, and on munday hee departed thence to

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to Adamstowne within 8 miles of the forte, and there the lo: Esmund dyed the <e> wednesday following, Hee knoweth not what Governour the enemy appointed to take charge of the forte, but hee saith that there went into the forte 6 cullors of the enemy & to the number of 500 men, and, that one of those cullors were Collonell Prestons owne Cullors, which were then imediatly placed in the topp of the forte
walter [mark] Esmonds
Fr Willoughby Robert fforte

<f> The Examinacion of Thomas ffleminge Clarke taken before vs &c. this 3d of Aprill 1645. The said Examinant agreeth in all points with Walter Esmund the former Examinante And further cannott depose, only that Captain Smyth the vice Admirall to the Parlyament by lettre to the ffort advised the lo: Esmond to agree with his Adversaries for that he must not exspect any provisions or ayd to come vnto him
Fr Willoughby Robert fforte

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The Examinacion of John Holland taken before vs &c the day and yeare afforesaid
Whoe doeth agree in all points with the said Walter Esmond. And further saith, that one Captain Smith vice Admirall to the Parlyament sent a lettre to the lo: Esmond 14 dayes before the surrender of the said Fort therein adviseing him to agree with his Adversary by the way & to gett the best quarter for his men he could for that there was no succours to be exspected either from England or himself which letter he veryly beleeueth Mr: Vnderwood hath & will bring to towne, by which lettre the soldiours were very Much dishartened. And further saith not
John Holland
Fr Willoughby Robert fforte

Peter Howper serjeant beinge duly sworne & Examined agreeth in all points with the former Examinacion of Walter Esmond and with the said Thomas ffleminge Clarke and Serjeant John Holland their Examinacion And further cannott depose.
Peeter Howper his Marke [mark]
Fr Willoughby Robert fforte

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The Examinacion of John Hardinge taken the day & yeare afforesaid before vs &c.
Beinge sworne & Examined, doeth agree in all particulers matteriall with the former Examinants And further cannott depose, Excepting Only that he hath beene butt 3 yeares in the service of that ffort
John Hardre
Fr Willoughby Robert fforte

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2 April 1645
The Examjnacion of Ensigne
Walter Esmond

Deponent Fullname: walter Esmund, Thomas ffleminge, John Holland, Peter Howper, John Hardinge
Deponent Gender: Male, Male, Male, Male, Male
Deponent Occupation: Ensign, Clerk, Sergeant,
Deponent County of Residence: Wexford,
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Lord Esmund, Serjeant major Capron, Lawrence Esmund, Richard Vnderwood, Richard Esmund, Robert Blundell, william Bacon, lievtenant Polton, Captain Smyth, Lievtenant Larcan, Collonell Preston
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Victim, Rebel