Deposition of Mary Parry

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 02:16 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-25
Identifier: 809315r201


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Lost By Debts
Commissioners: John Sterne, John Watson
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 315r

[Wheras] Mary Parry of Dublin widow the relict of Thomas Parry Marshall of the foure Courts late decease{d c}ame before vs the twenty fifth of January 1641: and deposed on the Evangillist that there is in seuerall Bonds Bills and accounts Extant to bee seene and sufficiently to be made apeere, that were due to the sayd Tho: Parry at the time of his death and yet vnpayd Amountinge to the summe of Two Thousand pounds & vpward. As also an Anuity of { } pounds per Annum vpon Thomas Bingham clerke, & others Tennants to the Earl{ } LondonDerry oute of certaine Lands belonginge to the said Earle of { } the areeres and yeeres yet vnexpired Amounts vnto Ciiij pound ster an{d} vpward. Also seuerall other Bonds taken of seuerall persons for their Imprisonment going forth on Habeas Corpus & otherwaies with their keeper{ } haue dishonestly escaped and doe heitherto absent themselues from Retourninge into the Marshelsie according to the time & times limmitted as in the Condicion of their seuerall Bonds expressed, or at any time heitherto haue retourned or made satisfaction to their Credebtors for ought knowne vnto the said Mary Parry which Bonds Amount vnto the summe of 15000 pounds pounds & vpward. Also others that haue made vniust escapes who were Comitted to his Maiesties suite for fines, Rents, or accounts (vizt) Edmond Birne { }00 pounds. Ralph Wall 700. pounds. John Synod 500. pounds or theraboute Daniel รด Bryan 500. pounds or theraboute. Neale Mc Kenna 300. pounds or thereaboute Besides such prisoners as through the necessity of the times being driuen {to great} want & misery were inforced for their releefe since the death of the { } Parry to acquite the said Marshelsie and that noe man then had or { } Authorized to with=hold them whose seuerall Comittalls are yet vnknow{ } the said Mary Parry, neither as she Conceiueth ought the Executors, or { } of the said Tho: Parry to be any way accountable for them. But as { } the aforesaid Bonds, & accounts and anuity properly due to the said Tho: Pa{rry } Executors, or Administrators together with the Bonds taken for true { } with other the wilfull escapes for the which in Equity the said Tho{ } his Executors and Administrators ought to be accountable Amounting { } all as by the particulers aboue Expressed to the summe of Tw{ } Thousand, One Hundred and foure li. All which said somme and summes { } are by reason of these present wars and Insorections to be accounted { } and of noe validityd or estimacion by reason that such Irish=men as { } Indebted to the said Parry, for the most part are or supposed to be{ } Rebellion & noe way are lyable to the Law, or hereafter like to be. And { } such English=men as stand Indebted to the said Parry are bereft for the most part of their Estates; As also the aforesaid Lands oute of which the anuity of { } per Anno was due to the said Tho: Parry lyeth now wast or posessed by the Enemy { } seemes so that the lost & damage which the said Tho: Parry both [ ] Executors Administrators & assignes doe & may foreuer susteine con{ } the premises. Amounteth to the summe of Twenty Thousand, One H{ } and foure. [ ] pounds ster. as is aforesaid according to the partic{ } sommes herein Expressed
Mary Parry
Jurat: Jan: 25to 1641
Coram nobis Joh Watson
John Sterne

fol. 315v

Deponent Fullname: Mary Parry
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Widow
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Thomas Parry, Thomas Bingham, Ralph Wall, John Synod, Daniel , Neale Mc Kenna, Earl{ } LondonDerry
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Mentioned