Deposition of Hugh Madden

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:01 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-02-21
Identifier: 811074r047


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Words
Commissioners: John Sterne, Randall Adams
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 74r

Hugh Madden late of Kirkee in the parish of Rathdroome Barony of Killenecorr and County of Wickloe gent a native Protestant duly sworne and examined the two and twentieth day of ffebruary 1641 deposeth That on or about the 13th of November last hee was forcibly robbed and dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the value following vizt sixteene milch Cowes worth ffortie pounds one heifer Steer and nyne heifers worth twelve pounds ffowerteene English Cowes eight and { } pounds 8 s. one hackney horse worth fower pounds one Mare and a Colt worth sixe pounds one other mare and an Colt worth worth three pounds ten shillings Two Studd mares and a Colt worth nyne pounds one garran worth thirty shillings fower score and sixteene sheepe worth twenty pounds an hundred and vpwards of English and Latine Bookes worth ten pounds Brasse and pewter worth twenty pounds Corne reped and mault and wheat and corne in ground worth twelue pounds, ffive swyne worth ten shillings two fouling peeces worth fortie shillings a barrell and an halfe of strong Beere worth twenty shillings Butter & Cheese worth forty shillings lynnen & woollen cloath yarne Caddowes Beddes & Bedsteads worth twenty pounds. Stooles Chaires and Chistes worth thirty shillings Tubbes and other vessells worth Thirtie shillings, a saddle and bridle with furnyture worth twelue shillings debts due to him in Bonds and Bills in that County amounting to Twenty pounds amounting in all to the somme of One hundred threescore and ffifteene pounds sterling All which <A> was done by the hands or by the meanes or setting on of Charles mc Phelim <A> Birne of Larragh in the said County gent John mc Bryan mc Phelym Birne of Ballynecorr in the said County Esquire Laurence Toole of Luke Toole of Castlekevin Esquire Garrott Birne of Ballynekirran gent Luke Birne of Killevana gent who came to [ your su ] the deponentes house all Armed (in his absence as his wife related{)} threatning the death of the deponent vnles hee would turne to bee one of theire Companie & conspiracye And when the reason of theire outrage was demanded they Answered the deponentes wife (as shee also related) that they were the Queenes souldiers and that they would robb all the Protestants that did not goe with them And when the deponent came neare to his owne house the said Rebells sent one vnto him to parly with him promiseing vnto him large rewards & preferrementes if hee would come to them & withall the said messenger told the deponent that they intended to root out all the English in the whole Kingdome and that there was <B> a generall Covenant that noe Englishman should ever sett footing againe there, To which proposition the deponent yeilded not and therevpon theire fury increasing against him hee was forced to fly with his wife vpon a cold snowy night over the Mountaines towardes Dublin And were

fol. 74v

forced to leave five small Children amongst them [ which ] soe as this deponent doth not certainly knowe what is become of them
Hugh Madd{en}
Jur 21o ffebruary 1641
John Sterne
Randall Adams

54 Com Wicklo 94
Hugh Madden Jur 21o february
hand 13 no



Deponent Fullname: Hugh Madden
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Wicklow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: * Queene, John mc Bryan mc Phelym Birne, Charles mc Phelim Birne, Laurence Toole, Luke Toole, Garrott Birne, Luke Birne
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel