Deposition of Laurence Locke and William Tomkins

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:04 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-03-02
Identifier: 813227r155


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Sterne
Deposition Transcription:

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The Examinacion of Lawrence Locke and William Tomkins two of the foote Company vnder the Comaund of Captaine Erasmus Burrowes taken by vs the xxviijth day of ffebruary 1641 by vertue of his Maiesties Comission vnder the great seale of t his Realme to vs and others directed sw sworne & examined And first
The said Lawrence Locke (beinge sworne vpon the holy Evangelists) deposedth, that about May last he was intertained by Henry Warren of Grangebegg in the County of kildare Esquire as his sheepeheard, And that he had then deliuered into his Charge the number of two thousand and fowerteene Sheepe of English breede of the said Henry his goodes, which he verily beleeveth were one with an other well worth seaven pounds <670 li.> a score, whereof there were spent in the house, and of sheepe that died the number of ffowerscore and two, And the rest he sayth were taken away by the Rebells, togeather <150 li.> with ffiftie head, of Studd worth one with an other the three poundes le peece, And Nynetie head of Cowes of English <270 li.> breede worth one with an other three poundes a peece, of all which number fyve hundred and sixtie of the said sheepe and all the Studd were taken away by Arthur <A> Kavenagh of Ballinloghan, Gerrald mc Morrish Kavenagh of knockvllard, and Cahir ô Nolane of Kilbreckan in the County of Catherlagh (who are out in Rebellion) on or about the tenth day of November last, And that the rest of the said sheepe togeather with all the Cowes were carried <A> away by James Wolferstowne of ffrainestowne in the County of Wickloe, and Sir Robert Talbotts Tennants who are likewise out in Rebellion, within a few dayes after Hee further deposed that the said Henry was assaulted three seuerall tymes since the beginninge of this Rebellion, by the Enemie attempting to take his house and Castle, <B> once by Sir Robert Talbotts men, And the second tyme by the said James Wolferstons men, both which tymes they were repulsed and kept out, And that imediatly after the seacond attempt the said Henry did lay aside the Armes that were in the house, (beinge sixe peeces and Musketts and two Halberts, And soe went for dublin himselfe, and his wife and soe many of his Children as he could conveniently carrie with him And that the same night his house was surprised and taken by ffrancis Darcy of Ballymonty and Oliver Eustace of Rakingrany and theire Company, who sayed that they did it by Comission from Collonell Luke Birne, Hee alsoe sayth that himsefe was the next night after robbed and beinge afraide of his life, hee and one William Tompkins another Eglish English man

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man, and servant to the said Mr Warren went by night to dublin on foote Eighteene Myles where the said Mr Warren did gett vs his Maiesties entertainment His cause of knowledge is that he was servant to the said M{r} Warren all his this tyme, and lived in one towne with him, and saw and knoweth what he hath deposed
Hee further deposed that the said Henry had tw two faire Haggards of Corne well worth as he verily thinketh six <600 li.> hundred poundes sterling, the one at Bealaghmoone and the other at Grangebegg, And that the Corne which was in Ballaghmoone was worth as he verily beleeveth 500 li. and was seazed on as he heard by direccions <B> of the Countesse dowager of [ Ormond ] Kildare, an other tyme by Walter Birne of Russelstowne And thirdly by Oliver ffay of Rathteligg, who now is threshinge of the same for his owne vse, And likewise that the Corne in Grangebegge, which this deponent beleeveth to bee worth one hundre{d} poundes was seised on by the said ffrancis Darcy and Oliver Eustace who now possesse the same togeather with the said house his Cause of knowled{ge} is that he beinge Sheepeheard vnto the said Henry, and havinge many occasion to goe to the said ffarme of Ballaghmoone to handle and dresse some of the flocke that were there did see the said Haggard of Corne And further he di{d} not declare depose

<*>William Tomkins aforesaid beinge sworne vpon th{e} holy Evangelists deposeth that hee came to the servic{e} of the said Mr Warren about three moneths before th{e} begininge of this said trouble present Rebellion, and was imployed cheifely all the harvest tyme in overseeinge the cuttinge and gatheringe in of his harvest at Grangebegg and Ballaghmoone, And verily beleeveth that his Haggard of Corne in Ballaghmoon{e} to be sould at the tyme it was seased on by the Rebells was worth fyve hundred poundes, And that his Corne in Grangebegg was worth then one hundred poundes, both which were seised on by the Enemie (vizt) that at Ballaghmoone by walter Birne of Russelstowne, and at an other tyme by

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by Oliver ffay of Rathtelligg, and likewise heard that at an other tyme it was seased on by the servants <C> of the Countesse dowager of Kildare for Rent, And sayth the said Corne is now threshinge by the said ffay intendinge to Convert it to his owne vse.
<*> Hee alsoe sayth that the said Mr Warren had a great flocke of sheepe at Grangebeg, and an other at Ballaghmoone, and a small flocke at Graigelugg together with a faire stocke of Studd and Cowes of English breede which he verily beleeveth to be worth noe lesse then the Sheepeherd Lawrenc Locke did value them And knoweth that they were all taken away by Arthur Kavenagh, Gerrald mcMorrish Kavenagh, Cahir ô Nolane, James Wolferston and Sir Robert Talbots men in such forte as the said Lawrence hath sett forth, And further sayeth that the said Henry his Castle and house at Grangebeg was assaulted three seuerall dayes by the Rebells attemptinge to take it, the first tyme by Sir Robert Talbotts men, the second tyme by James Wolferstons men, and were repulsed, And the third <D> tyme by ffrancis Darcy and Oliver Eustace, who as freinds were lett in, and haveinge gott into the Castle, alleadged that they had Comission from one Luke Birne to keepe it for the vse of the Irish Army, And soe doe still detaine the possession thereof But before the said darcyes comeinge the said Mr Warren did lay a side sixe peeces and Muskets and two Halberts beinge all the Armes he had in the house, And the next morninge went for Dublin together with his wife and as many of his children as he could conveniently carry with him, And the deponent and the said Lawrence Locke followed him by night beinge afraid that theire throats would be cutt, which where the said Mr Warren preferred them to be of Captaine Burrowes foote company, His cause of knowledge is that he was allwayes one of them watched every night in the house, And saw and knoweth what he hath deposed.

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The said Lawrence and William further depose that the Rebells tooke from the said Henry twelue plow garrans <36 li.> price three poundes a peece six horses and Geldings <60 li.> price ten poundes a peece, threescore and sixteene <100 [ ] li.> head of swine of English breede price ten shillings a peece one with another and worth 100 li. of beddinge brasse pewter and other household stuffe and haue entred vpon his houses of Grangebegg and Ballaghmoone and still possesse themselues thereof, the buildinge whereof together with the improvements in both places the Examinates beleeve cost the said Henry <2000 li.> two thousand pounds, And sayth that the said Mr Warrens landes of Inheritance in the Counties of Kildare, wickloe and Catherlagh, yeildedinge <700 li. per annum> him seaven hundred poundes per annum as the examinats credibly heard, And that his lease of the towne of Ballaghmoone was well worth to be sould when this Rebellion beganne one <1000 li.> thousand pound and better all which Lands and lease are now enioyed and possessed by the said Rebells.
They further depose that the said Henry had twentie five acres of winter Corne in ground of beare <444 li.> and wheate vpon the lands of Grangebeg, And fowerscore and sixe acres of winter Corne of wheate and beare and Rye vpon his ffarme of Ballaghmoone worth one with an other fower poundes an Acre, all which the said Rebells did likewise seize vpon, and dispossesse the said Henry thereof, besides the losse of soe many many acres <222 li.> more of summer Corne, that he had to sowe this next springe of Oates, Pease Beanes and Barley which if he were suffered to sowe would be worth fortie shillings every Acre And besides the losse of the proffitts of his office which he had in his Maiesties Co{u}urte of Exchequer, which as theise Examinats credibly heard <400> was worth communibus Annis 400 li. And further the{y} could not depose.
William Tomkins [mark] marke
Larenc Locke his [mark] marke
Jurat 2o Martij 1641
John Sterne
Hen: Brereton

Deponent Fullname: Lawrence Locke, William Tomkins
Deponent Gender: Male, Male
Deponent Occupation: Sheepherd, Soldier
Deponent County of Residence: Kildare,
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Erasmus Burrowes, Henry Warren, Arthur Kavenagh, Gerrald Kavenagh, Cahir , Robert Talbott, James Wolferstowne, ffrancis Darcy, Oliver Eustace, Luke Birne, Countesse dowager of Kildare, Walter Birne, Oliver ffay
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel