Deposition of George Elkin and John Harrison

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:31 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-11
Identifier: 813279r205


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: John Sterne, John Watson
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 279r

George Elkin late of Maynowth in the County of Kildare meniall servant to the right ho: George Erle of Kildare sworne saith
That on on stephens day last Garrott Talbott of Cartowne <A> in the said County gent, a Coronell Counterfeite Colonell of Irish Rebells and George Welsh of Painstowne in the same County gentleman and about 60 60 or 80 more rebells vnder the Comand of the said Talbott, did in hostile and rebellious manner come to the said Eles Castle of Maynowth aforesaid, the gates being shutt, & threatened to burne the gates & the stable & all the English howses in the towne & put all in the castle to the sword if this deponent and the rest of the souldiers then in the Castle wold not open the gates thereof of the castle, & deliuer the armes there vnto them wherevpon this deponent denying that vnlawfull comand the said Talbott instantly shott at this deponent with a peece charged but missing him this deponent endeavored to doe the like against him but being restrayned by those of the his Company in the Castle, & by them disswaded & the force being too potent against the castle he opened the gates and was constrayned to Leave the Castle and see the said Talbott, Welsh and one other entered & tooke from thence 4 musketts, one bagg or ferkin of bulletts & 2 baggs of powder and soe went away & left the castle & possession thereof to this deponent and the rest there, Since which tyme vizt on ffryday the vijth of this instant January Lawrence Welsh <B> of Moretowne in the said County gentleman a popish preist & Patrick Welsh of the same his brother & about 30 or 40 in their company came to the gates & comanded the gates to be opened, but this deponent denying it they by force broke open the gates entered & drew about 20 skeanes swords and pykes against the deponent, demanding armour, & the deponent giving them noe certeine answere the said Rebells ryfled & searched the howse & thence tooke away one muskett one fowling peece a little broken burding peece & 6 pykes threatening often to kill him this deponent fr not discouering the armes & then tooke away alsoe

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this deponents sword and 2 small horns of powder and then departed leaveing divers of their Rebells acquaintance to keepe the castle And on Saturday morning after there came to and into <C> the Castle aforesaid Edward ffzgerrald of Belaghe in the same County Esquire, and John ffitzgarrald a reputed Serieant Maior of the Rebells Christofer fzgerrald of Kilcock in the said County gentleman & James and Edmond his sonns and another sonn of some of the said ffzgerralds & about 60 more of their company & 40 more of the company of the said welsh the preist and then and there tooke absolute possession of the said castle & castle park & groun ds thereto belonging and all the goods therein, consisting of 39 english Cowes & oxen [ ] 12 30 horses mares or geldings or thereabouts worth 270 li. howsholdgoods worth 200 li. at least, a library of great value whereof he can give {} estimate, Corne & hay worth 300 li. & expelled the said Erle from the said castle Park demesne and other lands and rents worth as he conceiveth 600 li. per annum besides arreres of rent some due by them gone into the same rebellion & the rest by others disabled by the same Rebellion to give satisfaccion And further saith [ ] that the last named company of rebells sett a guard of ten horsmen and five footemen vpon this deponent & threatened to hang him which he thinks they had done, but that by gods providence he made an escape, And on saturday last the said Christofer fz Gerrald adminstred and inforced the deponent to take an oath what goods he knew were carried out of the castle & what were conceiled, and what goods of the english were in the towne: And on Sunday last the reputed lievtenant of the company adminstred a new another oath to this deponent and others to the like purpose, And the said Lawrence Welshe the preist the same sunday said masse in the same Castle whether the greatest part of that lordship assembled to heare it
George Elkins
John Harrison of the same a fellow servant sworne deposeth the like
signum predicti [mark] Johannis Harrison
Jur xjo Jan: 1641 coram nobis
John Sterne Joh Watson:

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[ ]
Georg Elkin & John Harison
Com Kildare
Jur xjo Jan: 1641
for the right honorable George
Erle of Kildare



Deponent Fullname: George Elkin, John Harrison
Deponent Gender: Male, Male
Deponent Occupation: Servant, Servant
Deponent County of Residence: Kildare,
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Garrott Talbott, George Welsh, Lawrence Welsh, Patrick Welsh, Edward ffzgerrald, John ffitzgarrald, Christofer fzgerrald, James *, Edmond *, Christofer fz Gerrald, George Erle of Kildare
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim