Examination of Edward Synnot

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819124r154] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:45 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-03-31
Identifier: 819124r154


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Confederacy
Commissioners: Edward Withey, John Walker, Richard Neale
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 124r

The Examinacion of Edward Synnot of Dungulp gent aged thirtie one yeares or thereabouts taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Donnogh mc Teig Jordane of in the barronie of Scarriwailsh & Countie of wexford gent
The Examinant saith and Deposeth That Sir Morgan Cauanagh knight being in Dublin with his sonne Danyell Cauanagh and others at the time that the Castle of Dublin was to be surprized by the Irish about the 23d of october <z> in the yeare 1641: the said Donnogh mc Teig Jordane being in Companie with the said Sir Morgan & Danyell his sonne & others of that Conspiracie he the said Donnogh mc Teigh Jordane was taken prissoner with the said Sir Morgan Danyell his sonne & others of that plott where he the said Donnogh continued in restrainte for a yeare or vpwardes and afterwardes escaped and come to Clonemullin, the Dwelling of the said Sir Morgan but by what meanes he the said Donnogh escaped out of prisson the deponent doth not know: His cause of knowledge is for that the Deponent was seruant to the said Sir Morgan Cavanagh at the time the said Donnogh came to Clonemullin out of Dublin, & by his relacion was informed that he the said Donnogh was taken prissoner at the time in the manner aforesaid and further saith not &c
Edw: Synnotte
Sworne before vs the
31st of March 1654
John Walker
Richard Neale
Edward Withey
<Donnogh mc Teig Jordane>

Deponent Fullname: Edward Synnot
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Wexford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Donnogh mc Teig Jordane, Sir Morgan Cauanagh, Danyell Cauanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Confederate, Confederate