Deposition of Barnabee Dunne

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:02 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-11-22
Identifier: 815190r269


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Queen's Co
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Watson, Randall Adams, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

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Barnabee Dunne of [ ] Brittas in the Queenes County Esquire beinge dulie sworne & examined deposeth that aboute thend of the month of November 1641 and sithence hee was Robed and depriued of his goods and Chattells, Rents and other profits as followeth by and through the Coemotion and Rebellion begun in that and other parts of the kingedome of Ireland [ ] vizt of Corne, sheepe, Cowes, oxen, garrans, and plowe harnishes which he Left as a Stocke in his lands of Ballymaddocke, Rath more, Parke, and part of the Land of Sradebally, with Robert Robinson, <400 li.> Thomas McCaroll, and Walter ffullome, his [ ] farme rs worth foure hundred poundes, which was taken for the most part as hee Crediblie heard, By Henry <A> Dempsie Conn Dempsie, Mortaghe Dempsie, ffallie Dempsie, Rossa Dempsie, Nicholas Dempsie William Cosbye otherwise called William Kellie, and others, there adherents. In cowes, sheepe & mares, horses, Colts and swyne, taken kept & stoulle{n} <400 li.> from him in Iregaine worth foure hundred pou{ndes} by and throughe the meanes of Daniell Dunn{e}, <B> Arthure Dunne, Rory Dunne, John McWilliam Conrath and other there adherints and confederators In Corne & Malt in Brittas and Corne in groun{d} and Brass, pewter, Beddinge, Lynen, Caddowes and other househould stuffe which hee is not permitted to possess or remove from thence for not Joyninge with those Robbers and for bei{ng} <300 li.> a protestant, worth three hundred poundes of Rents due and payeble at Michaelmass 1641
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<400 li.> and Easter 1642 foure hundred poundes and the same for twoe yeres to come, eight hundred <800 li. [fut]> poundes, which hee doth not exspect to receaue the said proffitts by occasion of this Rebellion and the banishement of thenglish tenannts that hee had in Iregaine to the number of vppwards of twentie (part whereof hee was driuen to keepe and releeue at his house of Brittas vntill they came at Length with much difficultie to the ffort of Marybroughe after Easter Last) and partly by occasion of Burninge wastinge of his houses, mills and other improuements that was thereon by this vnnaturall rebellion: Item the rent of the impropriate rectory of Iregaine for the haruest 1642 one hundred poundes and the L i ke f or two e yeres to come for which hee doth not expect any proffitt s and is the like to loose the future proffit s thereof v ntill a peace be established <100 li. future> by and through those troubles & <C> the interrupcion of Robert Goughegan tytularie Byshopp of the diocess of Kildare whoe doth clayme the same, and inhibited the Inhabitants of the Contrye by him self and Teige Dullthanty priest not to paye for the same to him the said Barnabe or any other to his vse, Item the rent or profitt of the impropriate Rectory of Killruishe and Colyers Land frin the diocess and Countye of Kildare for the like [ ] one hundred poundes <44 li. per annum> w orth xxxiiij li. per annum & is l ike to prove the future proffit s a s afore Item of fformer arreres of Rents of Land and tyeth before the Last yere and of debts vppon seuerall persons, which is like to growe desperate and not to be recouerable

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<400 li.> through this Rebellion foure hundred poundes <150li.> Item one hundred and fiftie poundes due on a mortgage or rent chardge on part of the Land of John Carroll of Cloneliske in the kinges County Esquier and the said rent chardge for Michaellmass 1642 and Easter 1642 fifteene poundes, Item of Money due on a Mortgage or Lease of the Lands of Rory oge of Buallybegg Daniell Dunne of Tenahinch and John Dunne of Coulbaheltine in Iregaine in the queenes <100 li.> County one hundred poundes of which they <symbol> intend to defeate him the said Barnabe, they <D> beinge not ameanale to his Majesties Lawes nor hee accordinge their wayes or newe Lawes capeable to partake thereof or recouer the same, All which amounteth to the full summ <ded> of three twoe thowsand three one hundred thirty fow r e sixtie and five pounds str
The said deponent further deposeth that aboute <E> Christomas 1641 one Teige McRory Dunne whoe sometymes Liued with him spoake to Sibill wife to the deponent as shee tould this deponent and as afterwards the said Teige confessed that there was noe Liueinge nor saftie for her or the deponent in Iregaine without they went to Mass, wherevppon this deponent dischardged the said Teige out of his house and bid him or any of them that were papists to burne and kill him & his wife and their children if they could or durst for they would not Joyne with them in their

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there actions nor change their religion.
Hee further saieth that one Robert Story an Englishe man that then liued at Mr Richard Raditche his house affirmed vnto him that aboute that tyme one Teige Dullehantye a Mass priest that liued in Iregaine desired him the said Robert to Cary a messadge from him to the said Sibill which was that if thee did not goe to Mass shee must Leaue Iregaine and goe to Sir Robert Pigott her ffather. <ff> Hee also deposeth that Daniell Dunne of Tenahinch gent and Arthure Dunne of Ballynahown gent tould him that it was certayne that there was some powerfull personadge in the Irishe Armie in the north that would still keepe in a tent, Cloth Cordge or under a Canopie and that none but prime men or Commanders were admitted to his or her presence, some sayinge it was the yonge prince others that it was the queene or the queene mother and said that those that began this Coemmotion gaue it for Certaine that they had the kings Commission to doe what they did and that they were to banishe and extirpate thenglishe and protestants if they would not become Romaine Catholickes
Hee alsoe saith that ffellem dunne of Lakowen and Elynor fitz Gerrald wife to Bryan McDonell tould him that the tytularie Byshopp and the priest said they could not consecrate the

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The Churches whereby they could selebrate Masses in them vntill the Corpses of the protestants should bee remoued thereout.
Hee further deposeth that in Jan uarij Last or febr <G> the forenamed Rosse Goughegan tytulary Bu r shop came accompanied with many others to this deponents said house being then sickly sayinge that this deponent was one of his chardge and that hee was tyed to Laboure to reduce him to be of the Romaine Catholicke Religion wherevppon diuers Arguements and questions aboute Religion, the kings prerogatiue and supremacie past betwixt them, which on the deponents part hee putt in writeinge And vppon the said Goughegans Earnestnes the deponent alleadged that hee was the kinges sworne officerr e as beinge a Justice of peace, and twise a Sherriffe and seuerall tymes swore the oath of supremacie which he held to bee lawefull and hee in Conscience tyed to observe the same, to whome the said tytulary Byshopp replyed that it was an vnlawfull oath pretending it might saffely bee dispenced with and further vrged that god would not haue any to power haue power aboue his vicar vppon earth, (meaninge the pope) wherevpon the deponent aleadged a paseadge that fell out concerninge the kinge of Hungary beinge in Leauge with the Turke, whoe by perswacion of a Legate from the pope violated his oath in breakinge that Leauge and Joyninge in Battle with the Emperor & the Pope against the Turke and hee havinge the Copie of the Leauge and oath taken betwixt them called for the name of Christ Jesus to reuenge

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him self vppon those perfidious Christians that breake and violated their oath taken in his name, vppon which it was obserued that he had the victorye against the Christian Armye.
<H> And further he saieth that aboute thend of that month of that ffebr one Brandan Connor (a fryer as he heard him to bee) came to this deponent Laboringe to perswade him from beinge a protestant and to Joyne and subscribe to a writeinge that he had drawen the Contents whereof was as this deponent remembreth was to binde himself and promise to Joyne with the vndertakers of that Comotion in their Confederacy for banisheing thenglishe that would not conforme themselues to the Romaine Catholick Religion and doeinge of such further acts as those vndertakers or rebells would appointe, which this deponent refused to yeald vnto duringe which tyme some forbearance was vsed to wards this deponent in permittinge him and some of his Englishe tenants to remayne there hopeinge in tyme to winn him and them to be as they were, and that diuers messadges and threatininges were brought to this deponent from <I> fflorence fitz patrike, Arthure Molloye and some of the dempsies, and diuers others that if hee had not putt awaye his English tenannts & seruants and become as one of them, they would him pull him out by the hyles and take all that hee had, And this deponent seeinge the dangerousnes of the tyme and perceaueinge their cruell intentions & Cruell dealeinge with others and proclamations for robbinge of all protestants. And to kill them if they would not departe those parts (thoughe the said

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Rebells pretended to be authorised by the kinge to doe as they began) which this deponent beleeued not but that his Maiestie would stand for the saftie of his protestant subiects as well as for the papists, and as soone as hee gott a litle ease of his sicknes, hee beinge alltogether vnable to supress or resist them beinge one amongest many thowsands was fayne to flye vnto the house of his father in Lawe Sir Robert Pigott at Disert which <was> in the month of Marche last, and saieth alsoe that some of his servants in the night tyme as they tould this deponent brought vnto him to the said disert twoe beeves twentie six muttons and some plate and litle Lynen, for which he heard that Daniell <K> Dunne with his Rebellious adherents treathned to hange the said servants and in a rage wounded one of them soe that they durst not any more come with any reliefe to this deponent. Hee saieth alsoe that it was tould him that soone afterwards diuers out of the Countyes of kilkenie, Catherlaughe, and Wickloe came to Brittas this deponents house and tooke & pillaged what goods & victualls was there, and would haue burned the house, but that some of the said Rebell vndertooke if the deponent or any Englishe forces were comeinge thether they would burne it them selues
Bar: Dunne
Jurat: 22 No. 1642
Will: Aldrich
Joh Watson
Randall Adams
Hen: Brereton

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Queens County o
Barnaby Dun Jur 22 Nov: 1642
Intw Cert fact
hand w 30 no

Deponent Fullname: Barnabee Dunne
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Queens County
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Robert Robinson, Thomas McCaroll, Walter ffulane, Henry Dempsie, Conn Dempsie, Mortaghe Dempsie, ffallie Dempsie, Rossa Dempsie, Nicholas Dempsie, William Cosbye, William Kellie, Daniell Dunne, Arthur Dunne, Rory Dunne, John McWilliam, Arthure Molloye, the dempsies, Robert Goughegan, Teige Dullthanty, John Carroll, Rory oge, Daniell Dunne, John Dunne, Teige McRory Dunne, Richard Raditche, Robert Pigott, Arthure Dunne, ffellem dunne, Elynor fitz Gerrald, Bryan McDonell, the Emperor, the Pope, the Turke, Christ Jesus, Brandan Connor, fflorence fitz patrike
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel