Deposition of Jonathan Hoyle

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:51 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1644-01-18
Identifier: 815330r389a


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Queen's Co
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Assault, Death, Killing, Robbery, Stripping
Commissioners: Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

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Jonathan Hoyle of the Parke minister of God word & In ti r e Rector of the parish of Dysert Enas & Kilteale in the Queenes Countie in Irland beinge sworne & examined before his Maiesties Commissioners for inquiry of the losse s and sufferings of the dispoj led subje c t s of the kingdome of Ireland to put downe a tru accownd of his sayd Losses as L ikwise what violencyes and outra ges against our Soveraigne Lord the K inge his Revenewes Lawes or subj ects since the begininge of the Late Rebellion in the sayd kingdome of Ireland deposeth as followeth
That he this deponant was possessed of the Towne or Hamlett called the Parke in the parish & County aboue sayd in right of his wife Relict vnto Thomas Barrington Esquire deceased & Eight childeren of the sayd Thomas deceased & of this deponants sayd wife (vpon which Towne Hamlett or ffaarme the sayd They sayd Thomas his Relict & this deponant hadd Layd out in ffynes buildinge & improuements of dicthinge quicksettinge wallinge stubbinge upp of wood & the like; uppward of foure hundered pounds sterling togeather at the begining e of & for diverse yeares before the Rebel lion which hath about thirtie yeares haueinge two or three & twentie yeares to come in his sayd Lease {t}ogether with a stocke of sheepe, Oxen Bulls, Cowes & yonger Catle horses {m}ares swyne Pultry Gardens his Haggard plentifully furnished with varie{t}y of stackes of Corne of Wheate Meslye Rye Beare Barly Beasre Beanes O ates & his winter Croppe beinge fully in the ground his house fully furnished with furniture in a plentifull measure & manner And This deponant verilie beleiueth & soe deposeth that his sayd farme & stocke would haue yealded vnto him this deponante & the sayd Orphants (all Rents payd) threescore pounds per annum which this deponant hath beene deprived of for neere three yeares by past besides what may be for tyme to come This deponant further sayth that about the 24th of November 1641 hee certaynely heareinge That the Papists Irish & English others upp & downe, the Kingdome of Ireland, & in speciall those hi s neighbours that were Inhabitants of Eduffe, Osrah, Origon, Clanmaleroe & the Great Wood, were rysen, & great multitudes of them in Armes, Robbing{e}, Strippinge, Killinge, & Pillidginge of the English protestants, And this deponant (haueinge neither Armes, nor Amunition to defend himselfe, & ffamilie against the violence, & fforce of soe great multitudes) was necessitated to fly hi mself with his wife & sister, nyne Childeren, & six servants vnto the Castle of Dysert for better safegurd of theire Liues Leaueing behind them theire houshold goodes for the most part, theire [ farme ] & stocke of Corne & Catle exceptinge some few necessaryes of Lynnyngs bedding & provision with a few Cowes Oxen & Sheepe which shortly afterwards this deponant was stripped off fo r the cheifest part This deponant And further sayth that he hard & doth verily beleiue that his sayd goodes Corne & Catle Both herds & flocke were violently carryd away some to the Emow some to Clanmeleroe some to Tynny Killy some to Stratbelly & some to the Shane & the Great Wood & the grange some to Balliskoan & Bal li gegell ffor that his servants & childeren saw several

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of this deponants goodes & Chattells carryed & driven away <A> & by whome This deponant further deposeth That he verily beleiueth that the dammage he & the abouesayd Orphants sustayned by burninge & takeinge away of Catle Corne & houshold goodes did amount vnto six hundered pounds and vpwards besides one hundered pownds Lent Moneyes belonginge to the sayd Orphants which by reason the Creditor principall & suertye s were stripped of theire meanes by the Rebells this deponant is out of hope of recoveringe any thereof. This deponant further deposeinge sayth that he hath beene & is damnifyed in his Church meanes (for which he this deponant payd vnto his Majestie in three yeares before the yeares of Rebellion sixtie & five pounds ster & upwards for subsidie first ffruites & twentie parts to the full value of one hundred & twentie pounds per annum besides this deponant haueing receiued nothinge thereout for three harvests past his Maiesite Loseinge twentie & four pounds & upwards per annum which this deponant should haue payd if he could have inioyed his sayd Church meanes for ffirst ffrutes xx partes & subsidie This deponant further that deposeth That he hath beene & is damnifyed in iust and lawfull debts & Arreares of Rents (by reason of the sayd Rebellion) of one hundered pounds sterling besides the losse of Rents of houses this deponant purchased and built in Dublin which at the begininge of & before the Rebellion yeilded to this deponant about fourtie pounds per annum this deponant haueing not receiued to his knowledg but the [ ] of about ten pounds for about three yeares past
This deponant further deposeth that he this deponent his wife & sister & nyne Childeren & six servants were in great distresse miserie & want & were all awaye of them, (two or three excepted) visited with sore sickness (this deponant buryinge four childeren within three weekes space) & hade all perished shortly after the rebellion begun as this deponant verily beleiueth for want of ffoode hade not God of his infinite Goodne{s} inlarged the harts of ffrancis Barrington Esquire Edward Breren Esquire James Barrington Gent Mtris ffitz Garrett & others to adminster liberally to this deponants & his ffamilies wants and necessityes beinge then nynteene in number This deponant further deposeinge sayth that he this deponant beinge threatened by Captaine John Piggott about Easter followinge the <A> first riseinge that this deponant should to be [ the sayd ]

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turned out of the Castle of Dysert & soe indangered to be made a pray to the Enimie whereuppon this deponant left that Castle of dysert & went vnto the Castle of the Cullenaugh where this deponant was most kindly Entertayned by ffrancis Barrington Esquire who did Encurrage this deponant to Petition vnto the Generall of the Army & Sir Charles Court the elder knight & Barronet (cominge at that tyme with an Arm y to releiue the ffort of Mary Burrough & the English Garrisons thereabouts) to haue the keepinge of the Castle of Balliknockan in the Que n e s County the inheritance of Thomas Davills <A> then in Rebellion the sa y d ffrancis promiseinge to adminster to this deponants & his ffamilies necessities therein, the sayd Castle of Balliknockan lyinge neere vnto the said ffrancis his Castle of Cullenaugh which was granted vnto this deponant vpon this Petition in the behalfe of himselfe [ ] friends John Walker & Goodman Walker (whoe are his brothers in lawe) & their families & Thomas Barrington his sonn in lawe & theire f famil y es This deponant ffurther deposeth that he the deponents sonn in lawe & his sayd ffreinds & theire ffamilyes did shortly after the Army was departed out of those parts Enter upon & keepe the sayd Castle of Ballyknockan bought Armes shingelled the sayd Castle made u pp some b r eaches therein made fortifications thereabout and maintayned a ward therein at theire proper costs & Charge without charge to his Majestie in This deponant ffurther deposeth that And a Custodiam beinge granted of all Mr Davills his Lands vnto Mr Thomas Grimes Leiuetenent vnto Sir Adam Loftus Troope & to Mr Wibrow Cornet of the sayd troope This deponant presently vpon his heareings thereof in the begininge of the harvest followinge after the rebellion & by the first convenient convoy this deponant cold gett did repeare to the Councell Table at Dublin & there, uppon the heareinge of this deponant h is Petion readd e, the Lords Justices & Councell was pleased to revooke soe much of the said Custodiam granted to Leiu ete nant Grimes & Cornett Wibrow as did properly belonge vnto the Castle of Balliknockan & to grant a Custodiam for the Corne & Hay thereof vnto this deponant & his sayd freinds & theire ffamilyes ffor keepinge the sayd Castle from the Rebells without a Charge to his Maiestie This deponent H ee further sayth & Deposeth they that he & his fre i nds & the ten ants recouered the the most part of the sayd Corne belonginge to Balliknockan ffrom the Rebells with much cost, charges & danger of theire sayd Liues haueinge theire Horses & catle & some of theire people severall tymes taken away both by the

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Rebells & by the Garrisson of the ffort other by the ward of dysert the Garrison of the ffowrth & the ward of dysert after the takinge awaye of theire Horses & Garrans takeinge away their corne belonging to Balleknockan by greate quantityes as it was in stack in the feild & complaint thereof made vnto the Gouernor of that County Sir William Gilbert Noe Justice <A> cold be hade against the partyes that did soe violently & by force of Armes carry away theire sayd horses, & Mares wherewith this deponant & his freinds did bringe whom theire sayd Corne, nor for theire saide Corne thus violently Carryed away This deponant further sayth & deposeth that [ ] about the 27th of Jan 1642 William ô Doran Hugh ô Doran Laughlin ô Doran Patricke <B> Lalor [ ] Donock ô Bradan Brigane More John ô Hossy with others beinge husbandmen belonginge to the Castle & Lands of Balliknockan (haueinge obtayned a warrant dated the ixth of August 1642 from Sir William Gilbert knight governor of the sayd County to reape bind & Carry all such Corne as they hade sowne vpon the sayd Lordshippe of Balliknockan vnto the Castle of Balliknockan, & there to detayne & keepe the same dureinge soe Lo{ng} tyme as they shall behaue themselves as Loyall subjects) did after treacherously & with one consent [ ] bringe the enimies the Rebells into their houses by night (the Cheife whereof was called by the Rebells Captayne Lalor) into theire houses which were built neere vnto the Castle of Balliknockan (And allthough many tymes before they hade beene prevented by the centrires of the sayd Castle of theire plotted mischeife) yet The foresaid William ô Do{ran} <C> and the most of the rest aboue named & the Rebells in theire houses about the 27 of Ja: 1642 did by force of Armes about nyne ore ten of the Clock in the forenoone ente{r} the said Castle of Balliknockan And This deponant hearein{ge the} chaine of the g r ate hastly pulled out & the Iron that held the cha{ine} violently pulled away did with his petternell ready cha{rged} speedilie make to the grate of the sayd Castle downe the staires thereof where this deponant mett with sundry Armed Rebells to the number as this deponant verilie beleaueth of about twentie who hade entered the sayd Castle & were some of them ready to enter the first loft of the sayd Castle where this deponant mett them & after Long strugleinge Armes in Armes with the foremost of them Rebells & after this deponant hade receiued nyne wounds from them

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This deponant (principally by the help of God) did & with the helpe [ ] first of John Walker & after of Thomas Barrington his second s beat back the enimie Downe the sayd stearecase Who presently broke into the Cellar of the sayd Castle & possessed themselves thereof & after Long shoot e i ng interchange of shott vpp & downe the sayd stayres of the Castle by between the ward of the sayd Castle & the Rebells & the of assailants These Rebells not dareinge to venter further a n d the the sayd townsmen & rebells did make amost greiuious fire within the sayd Castle thin kinge thereby as he conceiveth to haue burned the Castle & all the persons men wo e man & Childeren & servants therein [ ] & the things & s trange rs therein contayned by reason whereof And the sayd Rebells gott out of the Cellar of the said Castle & of & out of the sayd Castle But for feare & hast one some left theire a Musketts for anotheir a sergiants Bill some Pikes & skenes & a powder Hornes & Cottes & Hattes & a scaberds of theire sords bein ge forced there vnto as this deponent conceiueth by shott & stone s from the said Castle The rebells Captaine haueinge receiued a mortall wound by a shott from the sayd Castle & severall others beinge sore hurt The sayd Rebells together with the towne=men & theire families to the number of about fourscore as this deponant verily beleiueth did blatantly take to theire heeles & Runne away like as Rebells together keepe say ing [ ] severall of the sayd Rebells companye s laying hide n neer the said Cas tle which this deponent saw away martching in rank & ffyl e This deponant further deposeth & sayth that Intelligence being sent to the Garrison of the fforts, ward of dyserts & to the ward of the Cullenaugh, of the dangerous condition we of the ward of the ward of Balleknock{an} were in, craueinge some present ayde from them; ffrancis Barrington Esquire together with diverse of his horse & ffoote from the Castle of Callenaugh Robert Piggott Esquire with some diverse of the ward of Disert did make all possible hast to be ayding vnto into the ward of Balliknockan in distresse if there hade beene need but blessed be God who did drive our enymye back before us being that were but handfull in Comparison of these Rebels for his greater glory before any help came to us This deponant further deposeth that that Captayne Thomas Hues together with his Company did force of Armes of the fforc and other soldyers did by force of Armes belonginge to Sir William Gilberts & Captayne Loftus, all of the Garrison of fforte of Mar: burrough came about an hour after the Rebells was driven away by the sayd ward of Balliknockan and by force of Armes the ward not being then able to resist becawse diverse of them said ward were being wounded in the service) & Pilledged the sayd togne & ward of Balliknockan

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of theire Horses Carres bread Corne that wee threshed in Barn e s [ without ] Malt As likwise all the Corne that severall of the foresayd husbandman hade thressed and in hutches and likwise, all other their sayd goods and chattells horses & Carres that they conceiued worth Carringe away All which this deponant verilie beleiueth did truly belong vnto them that hade spent theire blood in that service & beeinge instruments of praserueinge the said Castle from the Rebells without Charge to his Maiestie & haueinge the Custodium of the sayd Corne granted by the Lords Justices & Councell to this deponant John Walker Goodman Walker & theire ffamilyes dated the x of Sep 1642 as aforesaid This deponant further deposeth That Captayne Hues Lievtenant Wall & sergiant Killen officers of the three Companyes, at fforte of Marie b urrow & the most of the sayd three sayd Compaynes accompanied [ ] with many of their wifes & Childeren & neighbors and about seauenscore horses and Carres came vnto the Castle & ward of Balliknockan & brought with them a warrant from Sir William Gilbert Governor of the Queenes County beareinge date the 30 of Jan 1642 requiringe the warde of Balliknockan to deliver the Corne which [ he had ] belonge d was giuen vnto them for the service of the sayd Castle or of other & sayd ward, being but the third day after the the sayd ward hade preserved that sayd Castle from the Rebells by the help of the Allmighty and although This deponant s a i th deposeth that he shewed: the Custodiam vnto Cap: Hues & the rest of the officers as aforesayd & they heard the same read vnto them wherein the Corne was absolutly giuen to this deponant & the rest of the ward of the sayd Castle & for the service thereof [ And ] by the L: Justices & Councell as by the sayd Custodiam more at large may Apeare And although This deponant after the readinge of the sayd Custodiam did urge the sayd officers of the sayd Companyes that they were both by the Lawes of God & man bound to obay the Lawfull Command of the Governors of a Kingdome before the contrary command of a governor of a County to whom the sayd Hues made this Answer That if that s there was never soe many Commands of the Governors of the kingdome to keepe the sayd Corne for the serv ic e of the said ward yet if the Governor of the County did command the takeing away thereof He the sayd Hues made answe r he would rather obay the Gouernor of the County then the governorent of the kingdome This deponant also deposeth that he did then proffer vnto the sayd officers (there beinge eight seauen or nyne empty houses of those

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husbandmen that had with fforaigne Rebells conspired our destruction) That they should leaue Thressers & souldjers to ouersee the thressing of the sayd Corne there, in the sayd ward and afterward to reaceiue the same by Barrells, which the sayd officers refused to doe agr e e hereunto whereuppon this deponant did lock upp the outward Gate belonging to the sayd Castle & would not suffer any of theire sayd horses & Carres to come into theire sayd Haggard whereuppon the sayd Hues ffilled the sayd Hanging Lock of that gate full of Powder wherewith he blew open the sayd Locke & then brought in about fourscore & ten Horses & Carres & loaded all the same with wheate Leaueing to maintayne the sayd ward but about four Barrells of [ ] wheate & also taking away about fiftie Care Loades of Oates & Peeses as this deponant was informed by those he appointed to recken the sayd Carres & Carts the sayd officers going a ltogether contrary vnto the direction of theire sayd warrant suffered theire men woemen & Childeren & horses to spoyle (as this deponant verily bele i ueth) about a third part as much Corne as they did carry away in Carres This deponant & the rest of the ward of the sayd Castle being necessitated to hire thressares for about two or three weekes together to thresh the the Corne was spoyled by souldjers Carmen theire horses [ ] wyfes & Childeren with a multitude of other both men & woemen that were not souldyers that came along with them and carryed burdens of Corne with them to the fforte This deponant further deposeth that the sayd Hues & Killen & theire souldjers tooke away out of from the ward of Ballinknockan three Cowes whereof one was newly killed from the ward of Balliknockan which Cowes the sayd ward hade gote from the Rebells the sayd ward haueinge beene robbed of theire Catle by those rebells there a litle before of theire Catle & being then in great distresse As likwise the sayd Hues & his souldjers did violently take away the Corne was sent to the Mill of the ffort to be ground by the ward of Balliknockan & for the use & service thereof & complaint being made thereof to the sayd governour noe satisfaction could be procured therein to the sayd ward

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This deponant further sayth that {th} at about [ Goverment of the Quee ] that tyme the said officers & souldjers did take away the Corne of [ ] the ward of Balliknockan There was many stacks of Corne Reaped by the Rebells and standing about a myle from any of theire holdes & within lesser then a myle from the Castle & ward of Ballinknockan which as this deponant was informed by severall of the sayd garrison of the fforte that the souldyers were restrayned to make vse of being the the Corne of the Rebells by the reason the governors son was in restraint with the Rebells This deponant further deposeth that he [ ] did not heare that either the sayd Governor or the sayd officers did violently or by consent with warrant or without Carry away any Corne from any other English ward <A> vntill they hade first obtayned a warrant from the the Lords Justice and Councell which was shortly presently after vpon petition of the sayd Governor obtayned beareing date ffeb. 6t 1642 & a warrant afterward sent from the sayd Governor to this deponant to this deponant beareing date the 20 ffeb 1642 requireing this deponant to deliver of wheate 20 barrells of Beare Malt 20 barrells & of oates 20 barrells at such rates as the Counsell Table hade sett downe & to receiue tickett for the same which this deponant cold not doe Because theire Corne was before taken away by the sayd Garrison of the fforte as is before related and noe tickett giuen This deponant further sayth that he was informed by severall of the souldyers of Capteyne Hues that the Proportion of Corne that was allotted them & the sayd Hues was was sold by the sayd Hues afor in vnder value a manner nothinge to one Landlord Dune where Hues was billetted & noe more but 10 d. a peece giuen vnto the sa y d souldyers And This deponant further deposeth sait h that he this deponant for his part hauing with great danger Hassard & difficulty recouered from the Rebells of his owne Croppe the quantity of about 20 barrells of wheat & beare malte which would haue yeilded vnto this deponants fortie pounds & upwards all which this deponant was spent in a manner in the service in maintayneing a wa r d of the sayd Castle besides what others of the sayd ward did spend besides much monies spent for other necessaries [ ] And this deponent & the rest of the ward forced to put away many of the sayd ward for want: to the hassarding of the losse of the sayd Castle

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& further sayth that his losses he hath sustayned by reason of the Rebellion since it began especially by the losse of the three yeares profitts of his Lands Church meanes houses & farmes which he accounteth to be all ready lose & by the losse of his goodes and Chattells he is damnifyed <1400 li.> the some of one thousand and foure hundereth <200 li. per annum> Pounds & is from hence fforth like to be depriued of the ffuture profitts of his Lands houses and ffarmes & Church meanes vntill a peace be established they (before the Rebellion began) beinge worth two hundereth pounds per annum
<Dr J: H. B.>
Jon: Hoyle
Jurat xviijo Jan: 1643
Hen: Jones

Hoyle included in this

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Queenes County
Jonathan Hoile Jur
18 Jan: 1643
24 Nov


Deponent Fullname: Jonathan Hoyle
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Clergy
Deponent County of Residence: Queens County
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Thomas Barrington, ffrancis Barrington, Edward Breren, James Barrington, Mistress ffitz Garrett, John Piggott, Thomas Davills, Charles Court, John Walker, Goodman Walker, Thomas Barrington, Thomas Grimes, Adam Loftus, Mr Wibrow, William Gilbert, William , Hugh , Patricke Lalor, Donock , Brigane More, John , Captayne Hues, Lieutenant Wall, sergiant Killen
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Succour, Succour, Succour, Succour, Mentioned, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned