Examination of Simon Purdon

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826103r101] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:20 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-09-06
Identifier: 826103r101


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Multiple Killing, Words, Succour
Commissioners: Henry Jones, John Harding
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 103r


<Cont: Corke> The Examination of Simond Purdon of Maior: Purdons Troop in the Lo: of Broghills Regiment Taken before vs the 6th of September 1652
This Examinent b Sworn and examined saith, he is aged <A> 21 yeares or theyr abouts & that about november Last was twelve monthe he being Commanding kilcrea Castell in the County of Corke one dermot Murphy off Corig her liuing vnder protextion, and liuing neare the Castell aforesayd hauing agreed with the Eninimy for the betraying to them the Castell aforesaid and he this Examinant (then going forth of the Castell vpon spetiall occation for the Conserning the Garison) was by three or foure Cuntry Gentellmen (who were persons then vnder protextion but theyr names he doth not remember) did first desied and after by forced (vnder a Collor of frind ship) him to a light and they driuing his hors before him into a howse hard by they forsed him in theather thither allso where he found Charles Dillon & Rob: Kenedy & John Morgan of the said major Purdons troope who were by the said Cuntry Gentellmen before invited thither to drinke and that soone after the said Murphy Came to the Dore with about so m sixteen of the Lo: Muskerys Musgraves party: the sayd Murphy saying th to his party then following him tthat herens the Gray hound, the Hare, & the felld field: which he exprest in Irish, poynting the Enimy to the hows where in this Examinent then was of whom som Entring the howse with theyre Armes redy The Examinent after som dispute was forst to Except accept of quarter together with the aboue mentioned Dillon Kenady & Morgan not with standing which they brought this Examinent in sight of the said Castell ther threatening & atempting to hang him if the Castell were not surrendred to them but failling of theyr hoopes theyr in they Carid away him this Examinant & the sayd Dillon Kenedy and Morgan thirtenn Milles miles that night into a bog b keepeing them prisoners in woods & bogs four or fiue days to gether att which time this Examinant did procure a perrowelle for Charles Dillon aforesayd that he might goe and acquaint his maior with the of the prosedings aforesaid and with of his Com present Condison and further saith that,

fol. 103v


that shortly after he this Examinant wa remoued thence further in to the woods neare Ballyvorne & the same time one <D> Andrew Galway a Corporall who Comand the party pretended to pretended & and di d send John Morgan and Robert Kenedy aforesaid to a Castell not far of who were Murthered by the said party as the Examinant veryly beleueth hauing neuer sence heard of them not with standing he [ ] after much Enquirey made mayd after them by this Examinant his Maior and many others: & further saith that the said Murphy soone after the acting of his said trecherus designe did Imediatly remoue him selfe & famely fore an d went and went along with the Eninmy aforesaid with whom he Joyned in Armes, and now liveth in the Barrony of Musgraue Muskery being Come in vnder the Artakells mayd Ar t icles latly made with the Lo: Muskree he further sayth that one of the said Country Gentellmen who had invited hi and forced him this Examinant into the howse where he was betrayed as aforesaid afterwards atempting to betray the said Castell was killed taken & Examined nere the Castell of kilcrea aforesaid & saith that some others of the said Gentellman are yet se dwelling nere the said Castell as this Examinent beleuith and further saith not/

Simon Purdons
Deposed before vs the day
and yeare first aboue writen/
Hen: Jones
Joh. Harding

fol. 104r


fol. 104v


County of Corke
The Examinacion of Simond
Purdon) August
September 6th
the Murther of [ ]
Robert Kenedy
and John Morgan./

Deponent Fullname: Simon Purdon
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Soldier
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Maior: Purdon, Lo: of Broghill, dermot Murphy, Charles Dillon, Rob: Kenedy, John Morgan, Lo: Muskery, Andrew Galway
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel