Deposition of Edward Peirson

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:17 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-07-04
Identifier: 830012r016


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Galway & Roscommon
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Lost By Debts
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, William Aldrich, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 12r

Edward Peirson of the Abbey Bojle in the Countie of Roscomon Late Burgoemaister there sworne and examined deposeth and sayth That since the begining of the present Rebellion and by meanes thereof: Hee is & hath beene expelled from robbd deprived and dispoyled of his goodes and chattells of the values following vizt Beasts and Cattle worth Lx li. Howsholdstuff & provition worth Lxxx li. horses viij li., and had his howses burned which cost him 100 li. & lost by people robbed by the Rebellion in debts 100 li. together with his specialties concerning the same, & hath already lost by the meanes of the rebellion in the proffitts of his farmes for one yere 40 li., they being worth clerely soe much by the yere & hee is like to be deprived of the future proffitts thereof thereof vntill a peace be setled, and that they come to their former value, And this deponent and his wiffe & children were stripped of all their clothes worth xx li. & Carryed away away in the winter exposed to all Colld and want and misery that could befall them And sayth that his present losses by meanes of the Rebellion come <A:> to fowre hundreth and eight Pownds And further saith that the parties that are soe in rebellion and that soe robbed and dispoyled him which he knoweth and can name are theis that follow vizt, Oliver Boy <A:> ffitzgarrald of Ballaleige in the Countie of Longford <A> Esquire: (whoe hanged 16 of the English there: & stript the lady <symbol> Dutton of all her goodes and clothes) Rory Mc Brian ffarrell gentleman William Roch Smith Thomas Roch and Walter Dawley all yeomen and liveing at Ballaleige and C aforesaid John Brandon of Athlone in the Countie of Meath Merchant donnell Guffe of the same Merchant Tho:

fol. 12v

<A> Thomas Brandon of the same Merchant Margrett ny Gauley widowe all of Athlone aforesaid: where Sir James Dillon knight & they kept this deponent and his wiffe and children prisoners in great misery for xxiij weekes together vntill about a fortnight since that the English army most fortunately comeing thither inlarged and brought them to the Cittie of Dublin And further sayth that the actors in this Rebellion have murthered and slayne divers other protestants the Kinges Subiects whose names he cannott expresse
signum dicti Eduardi Peirson
Jur iiijo Julij 1642
Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton
Will: Hitchcocke


fol. 13r



fol. 13v


Edward Peirson
Jur iiijto Julij 1642
Intw hand w
Cert fact Ex
copied 81

1 w


Deponent Fullname: Edward Peirson
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Burgomaster
Deponent County of Residence: Roscommon
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Oliver Boy ffitzgarrald, Rory Mc Brian ffarrell, William Roch, Thomas Roch, Walter Dawley, John Brandon, donnell Guffe, Thomas Brandon, Margrett ny Gauley, James Dillon, lady Dutton
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim