Deposition of John Dodwill

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:08 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-04-19
Identifier: 830030r032


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Galway & Roscommon
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Arson, Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Watson
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 30r

John dodwill of Grange in the Countie of Roscomman & in the Barronie of Athloane & prouince of Connaught gent beinge duely examined & sworne sayth that since the begining of this Rebellion 1641 he hath beene dep rived of lost & is damnified in Cattell of all kind as horses garrons Cowes & sheepe & in Corne aboue ground to the valew of sixscore pounds str at the least, in houshould stuffe & other things fourtie pounds, in rent that was due vnto him before the rebellion & owen vppon the rebellion & in Corne in ground, wich rent & Corne was receaued & leuied in parte if not in all by the rebells to the valew of one hundred pounds, & is damnified in howses & other edefices burnt & destroyd by the rebells to this deponents losse & dammage of one hundred & fifty pounds & is euer sithenc the begining of this rebellion depriued of his Castell & land worth to this deponent per annum sixscore pound ster: & dayly threaten the burning of his Castell the repayering of wich Castell cost as will appeare aboue sixscore pounds soe that he is damified alreadie fo r in all fiue hundred fourescore & ten pounds and sixscore pound per annum in future wich he is like to loo se vntill a peace be stebled & hee this deponent saith The rebells wich robbed & thus despoyled this deponent by name are Redmond O <A:> ffallon of miltowne & his sonn William O fallon of the same Rory O ffallon of Ballylyne & his sonn Laughlin O fallon of the same John O fallon of Newtowne Donnell O fallon & his sonn Coagh O fallon of Ballyglasse Hugh O fallon of Lissineamanragh Terlaugh O fallon of Corrowleagh all of the Baronie of Athloane & Countie of Roscomane & in the prouince of Connaught; who entred this deponents Castell <B.> by means of donnough Scurloge & his sonn James Scurloge who was one of this deponents warders for the diffenc of his said Castell: who But betrayed him this deponent by opening his said Castell doore & letting in unawares to this deponent the aforesaid Rebells & theire kernes wich weare by name <C> John Nangle or Nougle Briane O Kelly of Lismoyle William Ensedoone of Ballyline all of the Countie of Roscomon aforesaid with diuers others whose names are not yet knowen to this deponent, wich rebells uppon theire entry seized uppon this deponent his wife & three smale Children & kept them in the aforesaid Castell prissoners for the space of 3 moneths threatning this deponent that he should be brought before theire Committees & forthwith be put to death whearuppon this deponent being dayly in feare of his life ventured to make an escape & escaped to Athloane at May last 1642 & theare serued to his best endeauours against the said Rebells, untill the last Conuoy from Athloane to dublin, he came to Dublin aboute Shrofty laste being the 11th or 12th of feb: 1642: This deponent can say realy that the aforesaid rebbells are most bloodely maliciously & despightfully bent against all the brittish nation & their adhearents insoemuch that they hanged & killed some of the English woemen boyes, & men & that in A most barbarous & cruele manner, & as for those wich escaped with theire <C.> liues they Stripped them euen to their very skins, Also the moste parte of the kellyes if not all of them (of the Barronie of Athloane) are A most bloodie wicked & A malitious nation in robing & killing all the English for the most parte that they could lay hould on, & burning all the Englishmens houses & other edifices that was amonge them And this deponent is certaine that if those aforesaid fallons & Kellyes weare bannished or killed that the Barronie of Athloane immediatly after would be in a most peaceable Condition, & in very short tyme

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Able to releiue very well the Castell & garrisson of Athloane, wich Barronie by the means of the afforesaid fallons & kellyes is A most bloodie & dangerous Countrie for the English, & hath beene by the predecessors of those rebells in like nature the wars before this as by relation this deponent is credibly enformed, & will euer remaine soe untill that they are rooted out They being A most Idle & euill <A> dissposed people, Also and further saith that one Anthonie Brabazon A man descended from English parrentage, whose father & grandfather weare good protestants, the said Anthonie uppon the begining of this commotion waued his religion & became A papist, & is turned to be the most spitefullest & wilfull rebell towards the English in robing them of all their goods burning all their dwelling places & killing some if not all that he can take of them & for his most unaturall basse & bloodie seruice done against the English he is Chosen and appointed by the rebells & their Titulary Bishope one of theire Committees & Captains, for the regulating & better encouragment <B> of their kerns: John Price an Englishman was murthered by Callaugh O Kelly Cof funshenaugh Conn O Kelly of Cloonengly Hugh O Kelly of torpane, or by their procurement Thomas Kiggin trooper under the Commaund of Sir Edward spouey knight was most barbaro <C> usly murthered by the aforesaid Conn O Kelly [ Mris Smith an] English woman was hanged by William O Fallon & his confederates of Mil towne <B> Also seuerall others of the English were hanged & burned in theire bedds beds in Athloane in Athleage & seuerall other places <symbol> in Connaught whose names this deponent knoweth not
<M: S:>
Joh: Dodwell
Deposed apr: 19th 1643 before
Hen: Brereton
Joh Watson:


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fol. 31v


Mr John Dodwell
Deposed apr: 19o 1643.
hand w Ex




Deponent Fullname: John dodwill
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Roscommon
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Edmond O ffallon, William O fallon, Rory O ffallon, Laughlin O fallon, John O fallon, Donnell O fallon, Coagh O fallon, Hugh O fallon, Terlaugh O fallon, John Nangle, Briane O Kelly, William Ensedoone, * kelly, Callaugh O Kelly, Conn O Kelly, Hugh O Kelly, donnough Scurloge, James Scurloge, John Price, Thomas Kiggin, Edward spouey, Anthonie Brabazon
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Denounced, Denounced, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Rebel