Examination of Morrise Slabye

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826226v239] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:20 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-09-17
Identifier: 826226v239


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Words
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 226v

<E> Morrise Slabye Examined saythe that he was in Macrompe when that the widdow Husseye her sonn and daughter, with a Colyer and a naylor with seuerall others, was sent from macrompe towards Corke, And he was ordered by the Lord of Muskry to bee as on of the convoye vpon which his father bid him Goe with his vnckle Richard and take more of all the Companye vpon which he went as far as Kelmorre Churtche, towards Corke, when theay mett with doctor Halye, and two others on horse backe, on of which as he remember was John Vahome, And the doctor asked whatt men whear those that went with them, and answear was made, one a Nayler & the other a Colyar, vpon which the doctor made answear that he had occation to make use of them, and would kepe them for his owne worke & would paye them well vpon which the nayler tooke this Examinant by the hand, and saide he was afrayed that he should be killed, but he bed him fear nothinge; he dernth not

fol. 227r


<f> doe it for the Lord of Muskery would hange him then, then the doctor spacke to donoughe o Reardon who Comanded the Convoye to Leaue them with him which he did, but the Colyare & the nayler was verye vnwillinge, to Goe with the doctor, but the m beinge taken out of the Companye, this Examined passed on with the Convoye so fare as Tamworthe Bridge, where he was ordered to staye by donoughe o Reardon with som other of the Convoye, but his vnckell Richard mc Laghlen Bohille wentt further, for whom he stayed till ther retorne, And then cam backe with them to macrompe, But Cominge by kellmorre he inquired for the Nayler & Colyar, And it was tould him that theay wear hanged vpon a tree, by the doctor whoe caused them to be hanged one after buried in a sawpett but he doe not remember whoe it was that tould them this news, but next morninge he heard that all the others wear putt to deathe, as he harde it was done by John Long & donoughe Longe & a weaver whose name as he remember was John Cotter, & that Morto oge Reardan was ther at the Murder, who indevored to saue Kattrine Hussey; and further he saythe not

Morish Slabagh

fol. 227v


The Examination of
Ales Slabye & others
a Gaynest doctor
Halye & som others
the murder between
Cork and Blarny
D 17

Deponent Fullname: Morrise Slabye
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: widdow Husseye, Lord of Muskry, doctor Halye, John Vahome, donoughe o Reardon, John Long, donoughe Longe, John Cotter, Morto oge Reardan, Kattrine Hussey, Richard mc Laghlen Bohille
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Mentioned