Deposition of Michaell Vine

Collection: Bysse Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:02 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-06-13
Identifier: 828207r298


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork & Kerry
Deposition Type: Bysse
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Arson, Death, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words, Lost By Debts
Commissioners: Philip Bisse, Thomas Elwell
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 207r


Michaell Vine Late of the Towne & parish of Traly b arrony of Tre ohonac ny in the com of keiry shewmaker (a Brittish protestant duely sworne & examined before vs, by vertue of his Maiestie Commissione etc deposeth and sayth that aboute the Last of January 1641 he Lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods & chattles to the seuerall values following vizt worth 340 li. part consisting of debts due by
Of Cowes & horses to the value of forty po w nds Of howsholdstuff prouision & wearing apparell to the value of forty pounds Of ready money & rings to the value of fiue pounds Of Corne & hay in haggard to the value of fiue pounds he likewise sayth that by meanes of this present rebellyon in Ireland he was disposessed of a Lease of Monavally whe{r}in he had a terme of twenty yeares to come worth coibus annis foure pounds ten shillings ouer & aboue the Landlords rent wherin he conceaues himselfe damnifyed to the value of twenty pounds and further he saith that he was dispossessed of a Lease of Cera gl asse a house and Land wherin he had a tearme of twenty one yeares to come worth coibus annis forty shillings ouer & aboue the Land Lords rent wherin he conceaues himselfe damnyfyed to the value of tenn pounds he further sayth that he was expelled & driuen away from his houses in the towne of Tralee wherin he had a term{e} of thre & fi fty threescore yeares to come worth coibus annis twel u e pounds per ann um ouer & aboue the Land Lords rent wherein he conceaues himself damnyfyed to the value of eight score pounds Of debts amounting to the summe of thre score pounds which e re this rebellyon in Ireland ware esteemed good debts but n owe become desparate by reason some [ ] on of the debtors are protestants is impouerisht protestants a s Thomas Tibbot of killynterny in the com of keiry yeoman

fol. 207v


<B> And the rest papists who are & out in open & actuall rebellyon as Walter Hussy of Castlegregory in <barony of Magany> the com of Keiry gentleman Garratt mc James of Ballymathomas barony Tr o han a e in the com of keiry gentleman John mc James of Ballymaquin barony of Clannmorish & within the said com gentleman John Huggan of Lyxnay barony of Clannmorish in the said com of Traly Taylor Patrick Purcell of Crogh in the com of Limerick Esquire John O Clee of Caragh barrony of Troghanane in the com of keyry gent Cnogher O dynnan of Lissullin barrony of Troghanane in the said com gentleman Dermod o dingly of Ballymoncorty barony of Maggouny and within the said com gentleman Thomas mc Edmond of Dunnhow barony of Magunny in the said com gent John mc dauid of Bally mcThommas Thomas in the barony of Throghanane in the said com gent Morish fitz Gerrald Gallarish in the barrony of Magunny in the said com gent Peirce fferytur of Bally ferritur barrony of Magunny in the said com gentleman Nicholas Trant of Ventry Barony of Magunny and within the said com gent John Golden of Dungkell barony of Magunny and within the said com gentleman Patrick Trent of Dinggle barony of Magunny and within the said com gent and diuers others & therefore this deponent cannott gett any satisfaction from them The Tottall of his Losses amounts to the sume of Three hundred & forty pounds. He likewise sayth that about the tyme aboue mencioned all his Cowes & horses were taken away by Captain Sugane alias fflorans mc ffynine mc Carty of the gle{} Pa lace nere killarny morate barony of Duncaran and within the {com} of keiry Esquire gentleman & Captain dermod dingell of Ballymccarty Ballymc Captain Teige mc dermod mc Cormack of killynternah barony of Troghonane in the said com gentleman Esquire

fol. 208v


And further he sayth that they brought fowre sowes which the warders of the said castle broke & burnt the [ men ?] pigges <D> within them & againe they brought a greate peece and there with shott fourtene shot against the said Castle and beate downe the battlements of the said Castle and this deponent Likwise sayth that he hard Captain Peirce feretar & diuers others Rebells before said say that they had the kings Comission for what they did and there with all sent a Copye of the same into the warders of the said Castle and said that we were the rebells & those the kings subiects & further he sayth that they were forst to eate raw salt hides that did stink & drink s ome water dr i nck that was as black as Inke & as thick as if it were thickt with flower and <and> other water as if it were that was thickt w ith yellow Clay and he sayth that dyed for want & kyld by the <A> Enemy there to the number of at Least two hundred of men women & children & thre score and dureing the seidge of the said Castle the ward thereof within kild as this deponent was credibly informed by some of the rebells themselues to the number of two o{r} three hundred alsoe he sa y th that the Castle was yelded with This deponent further sayth Th en vpon quarter for Li v es & one shuite s uite of cloths a peace And that later end of a fort neeght before michell mas Last Thomas Graadfild of Traly yeoman Edmund Peirce of Tralye afforesayd yeoman John mc Morish of the Ileland barony of Troghoanne and within the com of keyry yeoman John o Lonnane of Trale aforesaid yeoman John o Morogh of Ballycarty barony of Trahonackne & within the com of keiry yeoman all which before the rebellyon were protestants and since turned papists & caryed go vnder the rebels collours and caryed armes for rebels against the english & further he sath that two that were english protestants befor this wars are synce turned papists & convoyed powder to the rogues form the English Castles therese names are these {John} Hollis & George Hollis brothers of the Ilands{baron } ny of Troghonacne & within the said com yeoman & <E> further he deposeth not This day came before vs on This day alsoe came before vs Nicholas Roberts late of BallymcEllegott bar: of Treh o nackney & within the Com of Kerry husbandman who being duely sworne & examined Nicholas Roberts & tooke his oath that all the conte sayth that the deposition concerning the manner o f t he be seidgers of Traley Castle are is true also [ } of this [ ] except h is [ ] & one Devereux Spr{att} chancellour of Ardfert cleer who duly sworne & examined sayth that all the passages of the sei ge also {of the} Castle of Traley are true

<Michi Vine
Nicho: [mark] Roberts marke
Nicho: [mark] Roberts marke
Jurat coram nob:
13o June 1643
Phil: Bisse
Thomas {Ellwell}>

fol. 209r


<ff> he also sayth that one John Willyams alias John Roe heretofore of the Towne of Tralee heretofore seruant to one Thomas Day of Tralee aforesaid & since one of <f> the warders of the short Castles of Trale aforesaid aboute midd somer Last he stole forth out of the ward & ran to the Enemy that beseidged the said Castle and discouered to them a designe of the English of both Castles concerneing a pray of Cattle nere the Castle which they had gotten for theire releife had it not bene for the aforesaid discoueryd by which theire designe was defeated & they of the Castle for want of that prousion were in forst to yeild two months the sooner which said John Williams from that tyme went and bare armes with among the rebles
The deponent also sayth that he was credibly informed b y many that John Blener Hasset of Ballycarty alias Captaine John Hasset about Candlemas day 1641 (when the enemy going from Castlemayne towards Traley Castle with a peice of ordnance for the battry of the Castles there; the carriadges of the peice there fayling by the way did send for carpenters to the carriadge for to mend the same for the enemy about Hollantide last in the said Castle He also saythe that Robert Blener Hassett of Ballycarty aforesaid father to the said John afforesaid said to this deponent that the I{rish}neuer did them any hurt (his ground being plowed & sowed by the rebbells his tenants which robd many of the English there but as for hime & other of the protestants he said that the ground was the worse that the English trod vpon he also {} that he would suffer harmelesse the Irish to cutt what wood they would for their vse, & neuer contradickt them { }any of the English went to the wood & cutt but a stick of wood, that they should presently be threatned & beat’d by his seriants {which} he had appoynted, that were very rebbells

<And Richard Brian of the warden of the Castle of Bally Carty>

fol. 209v

Michael Vines

[The text is upside down in the original]

<[ ] 24> they also say that about the last of Nouemb: Last about the time that the castle of Ballycarty was yeilded vp to the rebells they saw these persons sweare upon the bible and oo theire knees to the oath of association with the rebbells vizt Robert Blener {Hasset} aforesaid John West of Kilcou Esquire James Conuay of Cloughan gentleman Henry Hudley of the Manee in the parish of Ratlasse gentleman, before Charles mc Carty of the Pal{ace} Esquire Donell Oge mc Carty of nere Kilarney Esquire, Dermod of Dingle Esquire taken before them as Commissioners of the Com Councell in Ballycarty Castle

Deponent Fullname: Michaell Vine, Nicholas Roberts, Devereux Spratt
Deponent Gender: Male, Neutral, Neutral
Deponent Occupation: Shoemaker,
Deponent County of Residence: Kerry,
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Thomas Tibbot, Walter Hussy, Garratt mc James, John mc James, John Huggan, Patrick Purcell, John O Clee, Cnogher O dynnan, Dermod o dingly, Thomas mc Edmond, John mc dauid, Morish fitz Gerrald, Peirce fferytur, Nicholas Trant, John Golden, Patrick Trent, Captain alias fflorans mc ffynine mc Carty Sugane, dermod dingell, Teige mc dermod mc Cormack, Edward Denny, Stephen Rice, donell oge mc Carty, Edmond fitz Morish, Peirce fferitur, dermod o dingall, Water Hussy, Danell mc Mortaugh, Morish mc Ellegott, ffarrall mc James, John fitz Garrald, John o Chee, Captain mc ffinyne mc Carty, James Browne, fflorence mc Carty, Captain O Sulivan Moore, Captain mc kyllahuddy, Peirce feretar, Thomas Graadfild, Edmund Peirce, John mc Morish, John o Lonnane, John o Morogh, John} Hollis, George Hollis, John als John Roe Willyams, Thomas Day, John Blener Hasset, Richard Brian, Robert Blener Hasset, John West, James Conuay, Henry Hudley, Charles mc Carty, Donell Oge mc Carty, Dermod of Dingle *
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Apostate, Apostate, Apostate, Apostate, Apostate, Denounced, Denounced, Denounced, Mentioned, Denounced, Mentioned, Denounced, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate