Examination of Daniell O’Caniffe

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826254r264] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:24 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-08-15
Identifier: 826254r264


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: Clement Woodruff, Thomas Dunkin, William Wright
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 254r


4: The examinacion of Daniell Ô Cunniffe aged about 50 yeres beinge Duly sworne vppon the holy evangilists by vertue of his oath sajth: that in the begeinge of the Warrs he Lived at Knocknemeile Neere Bandonbridge and that a party of the Irish Came to the house where the sajd Daniell O Cuniffe with his ffamylye: weare in the Night time and did breake oppon the house and did forceably take away such things as they pleased & Carringe this Deponant away prisoner with them unto the Irish Campe which then Laye at the shannowaye about seaven Myles to the west of Bandon where this Deponant was thretned to bee killd [ ] becase he had not jojned with the Rest of the country then in Armes (to be hanged and that he was forsed to give securjty that he should not goe agajne into the English Quarters but <B> abide with them in there accion: and sodenly after this examinant was Commaunded, by one Teige mcCarthy with a partye of Irish then vnder the Commaunde of McCarthy Reagh: to be there guids towards Bandon which this deponant did, and after ward this deponant beinge in the Irish party Cominge towards Bandon Lookinge for a pray with Nine colors about two Mil{les} from Ban{don} { }

fol. 254v


fol. 255r


Men with two horses with Carrs, goeinge for wood, whose Names this deponant Knoweth not which men were Taken prisoners and, Carrjed, not farr from thence <D> butt weare hanged vppon an oake on the lands of Carrowne about 3 Myles from Bandon, and farther this deponant sajth that about a weeke or tenn Dayes after that there was another English man taken (one the lands of Gortin Mahowne two Myles to the west of Bandon) by McCarthyes Party and from thence was carrjed to the derrje Castle about seaven Myles from Bandon wheare mcCarthy Reagh was, which prisoner was brought before mcCarthy to knowe what they should doe with him who towld the partye that they should Returne him to the Captain and that he should doe with him what he would, and the same day the prisoner was executed about a Quarter of a Mile from the place, and further this deponant cannot say:

Daniell [mark] ô Canniffe
his marke

Wee doe certifye that the fovre severall depositiones are exprest in the aforesaid papers weare Taken in the presents of vs the 15o day of Augusti 1653 and which wee doe atest vnder our hands the day and yere aboue said

William Wright provost
Clemente Woodroff
Tho: Dunkins

fol. 255v


Against the Lord of Muskery
Joice Deane: A 21
Mary Jenings A. 22
Mary Hodnett
Daniell o Canniffe} A 23
McCarthy Reagh
A 21. 22. 23. 24

Deponent Fullname: Daniell ԠCunniffe
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Teige mcCarthy, * McCarthy Reagh, * McCarthyes
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel