Deposition of Martha Slacke

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:39 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-08
Identifier: 835168r214


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Fermanagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 168r

Martha Slacke of Calahill in the parish of Kinaley in the diocesse of Killmore, half barony of Knocknyny, within the County of ffarmanagh widow a british protestant being duly sworne deposeth on oath that on or about 23 of October last and a 11 of the clocke in the forenoone she was robbed of and lost viz:
In houshould stuffe 080-00-00
In Catle 120-00-00
Monyes due by bound from Shan mc Hugh & others 010-00-00
In rents due vnto me last allsaints out of my lands of
Calahill bysydes the lords rent. and the lands
I kept vnder my stock of catle
In rents due out to me out of Monaghan and other
lands last allsaints, bysydes the lords rent. 006-10-10
One lease of sixe smale tates granted by Sir Ste-
phen Butler & now in the possession of belonging to Sir William
Balfor Lieuetenant of his Majesties tower of London
viz. 1. Smale the tates of Calahill, Gortinmucklogh 1 Sm: tat.
Doone 1. S. t. Derrilin 1. S. t. Camletter and
Dragh 1. S. t. Drumdeny and Koragh 1. S. t. for 69
yeares unexpired from may next sixtie and
nine year
One lease of Drumsnaw being 1. sm. t. lying neere
vnto Enniskellin Granted by the right honorable Lord Bra-
bason Earle of Meath & Sir Samuell Mayart
agents Authoryzed by the Lady Brewerton for the
settlement of her estate in Ireland yeares vn-
expyred seauenteene or there abouts 025-00-00
one lease of the greate tate of Legan granted by
Humphry Galbrayth Archdeacon of Clogher and
Eleazer Myddleton gentleman Authoryzed by Sir
Sir William Balfor Leiuetenant of his Majesties
tower of London
for the Settlement of his lands
in Ireland: for yeares vnexpired ninteene 20-00-00
A debt of xxij li. due by Nicholas Willoughby Esquire robbed
by the Rebells 22-00-00
One lease of two stone houses at Monaghan left me
by my father Edward Hatton Archdeacon of Ar-
dagh deceased during my life, worth yearely to
me & is lik to loose the future proffits ti ll a peace be established 9-6-8
Her present losses in all were 600 li. 17 s. 10 d.
In all 600 li. 17s. 10 d. 576 li.-17 s.-10 d.
By the hands of Patrick ôge mc guyre, accompanied with many rude raschalls, when I which when shee saw such a rude Company comeing towards her me, I sent my seruants in and charged them to make fast the bawne gate, and when they came and could not gett in, they threw stones at the gate with all the force they could, but Could not enter whervpon they burst open the garding gate and entred the flankered window and so opened

fol. 168v

The Bawne gate to the rest, which when she sawe that I she desyred them not to hurt or frighten my Children they tould me that they would haue my goods and armor, And therevpon they went into my house broke all to peeces my chests, trunkes, and Cubbards, tore downe my courtyons, tooke out my feather beds ript them vp and threw the feathers on the dunghill and cared not what spoyle they did me, though themselues receiued no the lesse proffitt, And when the baser sort had brought out my goods, there was with out doores Dun mc Guyre, Bryan mc Guyre and others whoe receiued them and sent them to theyre owen houses, I demaunded wherefore they vsed me so to take all I had away, they answeared it was not my Case alone, but the whole kingdomes and what they did was by Authority vnder the kings broade seale. witness e my hand.
Martha [mark] Slacke
her marke
Deposed this 8th of Ja: 1641
William Aldrich
Hen: Brereton

fol. 169r


fol. 169v


{54 Com ffermanagh}
Martha Slack
Jan: 8o 1641
Intw Cert fact


Deponent Fullname: Martha Slacke
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Widow
Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Shan mc Hugh, Stephen Butler, William Balfor, Lord Brabason Earle of Meath, Samuell Mayart, Humphry Galbrayth, Eleazer Myddleton, Edward Hatton, Nicholas Willoughby, Patrick mc guyre, Dun mc Guyre, Bryan mc Guyre
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Debtor, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Debtor, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel