Deposition of Simon Crane

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:56 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-08-09
Identifier: 835198r236


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Fermanagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Arson, Desecration, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Sterne, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 198r

Simon Crane of knockanaragan in the Countie of ffermanagh gent being duly sworne before vs depo{seth} & sayeth that about the 26th day of October last {1641 he?} was lawfully possessed in vse & possession of theise goodes Chattles & Leases & other personall estate following vizt of
That is to say Cowes Oxen & steeres
to the number of Two hundred &
threescore or more, & Twentie Calues
or more of English breed, worth in all ------------------------520 li. [ ]
horses Mares & Coultes to the
number of thirtie or theareabouts
worth --------------------------------------------------------------060 li.
hoggs & swyne to the number of
Eighteene or theareabouts worth ------------------------------004 li.
Corne in the haggard in Reekes
as Oates & barly & other Corne
sowne in the grounde , and in the
granary worth
---------------------------------------------------- 100 li.
In winter provision of hay and
fireing worth ------------------------------------------------------020 li.
In plate, ready mony Jewells
householdstuffe, & other vtensills
to the value of -----------------------------------------------------150 li.
In weareing apparrell and other
habiliments to the value of --------------------------------------050 li.
In debts due & oweing vnto him
about ---------------------------------------------------------------450 li.
Summa tot [ ]
of lands & leases of the Cleare value
of fortie pounds per annum for 60 [yeares] for 60 yeres
Whereof hee is like to loose the future proffits thereof
vntill a peace be had
---------------------------------------------300 li.
worth to
[be ] -----------------------------------------------------xl li. per annum
The office of Register [ ] of the
diocesse of Clogher during my life
300 li.
by Pattent Clearely worth per Annum
100 li.
one hundred pounds valued att
& must loose the future proffits worth 100 li. per annum as
aforesaid vntill a Peace be established

Summa totale
-----------------------------------------------------1954 li.
Summa 1494 li and 140 li. per annum verte

fol. 198v

And that he being therof the within particulers soe possessed about the said 26th day of October last 1641 was Robbed spoyled & bereaved <thereof> of all & singuler the said particulers of the same by Donogh <a> Magwyre Esquire Hugh mc Mahon gent Thomas ô Hultaghan Preiste & many others by them imployed [ ] whose names he now remembreth not, and that he hath euer since bine kept from & deprived of them and euery parcell of them which are soe lost or in hazard to be lost, and further deposeth [ ] that he hath hearde the Rebells Commonly say that they would Roote out all the English & Scottch of out of this kingdom and that he hath hearde that they haue Comitted diuers murders vizt upon Arthur Champion Esquire Thomas seariaunt Miles Acrigg Henry Crosse, George Digginson, John Maynes, Edward Powlete & <Eleazer> Jeoffroy Eleazer Middleton whom he heard they persuaded to turne Papist and presently after hanged him And that he alsoe hearde that they burnte the Castles of Lisgole & Tully with diuers men women & Children in ther, And that they Comitted many sacrilegious Acts by burning of Churches viz the Churches of monaghan Clownis and newtowne to and also many bibles and other books of diuinity vizt the Bishopp of Cloghers library Mr Morses Mr Singes & Mr Hudsons libraryes And that he knoweth theise persons following to be in Actuall Rebellion viz Captaine Roory <b> Magwyre Donogh Magwyre Esquire Hugh mc bryan Mc Coohunnnaght Magwyre Thomas oge Magwyre Donn Carragh Magwyre, Patrick oge mc Collo mc Donnell, Edmund roe mc Donnell Thomas oge Magwyre Tirlogh mc Thomas buy magwyre Patrick mc Thomas buy magwyre Rosse mc patrick Magwyre Edmond Carragh magwyre Hugh mc Mahon Thomas ô Hultaghan with diuers others of meaner qualitie
And further deposeth not And saith &c
<And saith that by meanes of the Rebellion he is deprived of & hath lost the perquisits and proffitts of his office of Register of the diocs of Clogher, which he was to hold by Patent for his life worth Communibus annis 100 li. per annum>
Simon: Crane
Jurat 9th Au: 1642.
Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton John Sterne

fol. 199r


fol. 199v


Simon Crane deposed August
the ninth 1642
Com: ffermanagh:
hand w

Deponent Fullname: Simon Crane
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Donogh Magwyre, Hugh mc Mahon, Thomas , Roory Magwyre, Donogh Magwyre, Hugh mc bryan Mc Coohunnnaght Magwyre, Thomas oge Magwyre, Donn Carragh Magwyre, Patrick oge mc Collo mc Donnell, Edmund roe mc Donnell, Thomas oge Magwyre, Tirlogh mc Thomas buy magwyre, Patrick mc Thomas buy magwyre, Rosse mc patrick Magwyre, Edmond Carragh magwyre, Hugh mc Mahon, Thomas , Arthur Champion, Thomas seariaunt, Miles Acrigg, Henry Crosse, George Digginson, John Maynes, Edward Powlete, Eleazer Middleton, Bishopp of Clogher, Mr Singe, Mr Morse, Mr Hudson
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim