Deposition of Peter Gates

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:12 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-06-06
Identifier: 839107r074


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Derry, Donegal & Tyrone
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Assault, Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Sterne
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 107r

Peter Gates of Dromgawny in the parrish of Baltiah in the County of Londonderry gent sworne and examined sayth & deposeth That since the begining of the present Rebellion & by meanes That is to say about the xxjth of November 1641: Hee this Deponent at Drumgawny aforesaid and att Ballikelly in the said County was by force and armes deprived, robbed, or otherwise dispojled of the his goodes & chattells consisting of Corne Cattle howshold stuff Apparell the proffitts of his farme & hadd his howses burned, all of the value and to his Losse of ffowre hundred powndes ster And further saith That the parties Rebells that soe robbed or dispojled him <a> were Manus Roe ô Cane a Capt of Rebells [ ] Albeny oge ô Cane another Capt, & ab their souldjers & other Rebells who to the number of 500 or 600: Manus Mc Richard o Cane Lieutenant Collonell to the said Shane o Cane Colonell Brian mc Manus ô Cane his brother A Captain Richard & Coy 2 other of his brothers & both alsoe Captaines of Rebells, Shane ô Mullen mc Gilleduff oge Donoghee ô Mullen mc Gilleduff Brian mc Gilleduff & Art mc Gilleduff oge all of Ballinasse in the parrish of Dungevin and County aforesaid & Brian oge o Cane a Captaine And further saith that the Rebells afore named did alsoe perpetrate and Comitt divers other outrages and cruelties & Killd many protestants his neighbors vizt by name one Thomas Bunting John Gardner vaughan Morgan & divers others <b> And the said Manus o Cane in the begining of the Rebellion being trusted by Sir John vawghan & others to keepe the Castle of Dungsvin within the skinners proporcion and they giveing him the Comand of souldjers armes & amunition for and on the behalf of his Maiesty: Hee the said Manus ô Cane not long after falsifyed and betrayed that trust & turned Rebells & became the most bloudie and cruell and bloudie villaine of all the rest: And this Deponent

fol. 107v

<c> further saith That one James ffarrell a papist of Ballykelly in the said County haveing promissed proteccion and favour to divers of the English his neighbours purpossly to make them stay in the cuntry & betray them. Did about the xxjth of November 1641 aforesaid: (with the assistance of divers his bloudy confederats) suddenly assault & sett vpon those English & most barbarously slew & murthered them vizt one Christofer Weekes and his wiffe Gabriell Smith & his wiffe & 2 children Sidrach Loftus & 2 of his children John Carter John Jameson & divers others whose names he cannott remember: And saith alsoe that the parties hereafter named are or lately were in open action of Rebellion, carried armes with for & amongst the other Rebells & comitted divers outrages and Cruelties vizt: Brian <d> Magilligigan of Ballicartan in the same County gentleman & 2 or 3 of his sonns: Shane Roe ô Mullen & Rory ô Maghery of Ballikelly aforesaid yeoman: & divers others that this deponent Cannott call to mynd their names
per me Petrum Gate
Jur 6o Junij 1643
Hen: Brereton
John Sterne


Peter Gates Jur 6o
Junij 1643
Intr hand w


Cert 6

Deponent Fullname: Peter Gates
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Derry
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Manus Roe , Albeny oge , Manus Mc Richard o Cane, Richard *, Coy *, Gilleduff, Brian mc Gilleduff, Art mc Gilleduff oge, Brian oge o Cane, James ffarrell, Brian Magilligigan, Shane Roe , Rory , Thomas Bunting, John Gardner, vaughan Morgan, Sir John vawghan, Christofer Weekes, Gabriell Smith, Sidrach Loftus, John Carter, John Jameson
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim