Petition of Patrick O’Hoy, Coll McArt McMahon, Patrick McColl McMahon & Hugh O’Calan

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:18 AM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 834046r034


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Louth & Monaghan
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Letter
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 46r


To the honorable the Commissioner for administracion of Justice at Dublin
The humble Petition of Patrick ô Hoy, Coll McArt McMahon, Patrick McColl McMahon, & Hugh ô Calan, poore prisoner in the Gaole of Dundalk

Humbly shew,
That your petitioners for the space of Eight monthes past haue endured Lamentable imprisonment in the Gaole of Dundalk being comitted there vpon the malicious informacion of seuerall persons who haue openly declared that they would ruin your petitioners if your petitioners would not compound with them, not to prosecute against your petitioners for the death of divers persons at the begining of the Rebellion, your petitioners relying vpon their owne Innocency refused to giue any composition; and thervpon were comitted vpon their vniust prosecucion wher your petitioners are like to starve haueing nothing to subsist by, And for that your petitioners desire nothing more then to abide their triall for the matters wherewith they are chardged

May it please your honors to grant your orders to the Governour of Dundalk, or any two or more Justices of the Peace of the County of Lowth, to examin the complaints against your petitioners and finding the accusacions against them to be sleight or any way savouring of malice, to cause them to let your petitioner to bayle vntill the Assises, or such tyme as the petitioners shalbe called vpon to answer the charges against them the petitioner being ready to giue sufficient bayle for the appearance when they shalbe called vpon,
And they shall euer pray

fol. 46v


fol. 47r


fol. 47v


Petition of Patricke o hoyes & others
This presented the High court and the Judge directed that the petitioners should petition the Lord Deputy & Counsell for a Gaolle Deliuerye

Deponent Fullname: Patrick , Coll McArt McMahon, Patrick McColl McMahon, Hugh
Deponent Gender: Male, Neutral, Neutral, Neutral