Deposition of Thomas Paseley

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:25 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-05-03
Identifier: 837130r093


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Down
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Captivity, Killing, Robbery, Stripping
Commissioners: Ja Traill
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 130r

The Examination of Thomas Paseley of the litle Ards neere to Porteferry taken the 3d May 1653
The sayd Examinat being (as he sayeth) aged about thirty and three yeers: Sayeth that about fyue yeers agoe he with dyuers other Country men, and amonge the rest one Anthony Gattinbee a serjeant in Sir James <A> Montgomeries Regiment, wer comming from Dundalke with a certayne number of horses and cowes which they had bought there; That they were assaulted by ten of the Irishes whereof Bryan Mackelhinny was one: This Examinat further sayeth that he being behind the rest and about a pistoll shott of the way, saw the sayd Serjeant Gettinbee who was with the formest, dryuing about the cattell upon the discouery of the Irish, and that Immediatly he heard a shott goe off, and then saw perceiued the sayd Serjeant Gettingbee hanging downe towards the ground by on legge That then this Examinat seeing some others of the company flying away did also begine to take the lyke course; But before he this examinat was retyred [ ] of a muskett shott, Bryan Mackelhinny did apprehend him, and did together with an other of the Irishes, bring back this Examinat to the place wher{e} the sayd Serjeant Gettenbee was lying dead, and tyed him this Examinat to an other prisonner
This Examinant further sayeth, that when Bryan Mackelhenny did take him he had no other weapon but a sword in his hand And that he this Examinat, saw Murdagh o birne hauing a Carabin in his hand, and Thomas Mackdonnell in hauing a pistoll
That afterward hauing caryd this examinat and other two prisoners with them to Drumsnade, they sent [ ] one of the three (an Irish <B> boy) to the prisonners freinds for ransom, and that within two dayes after some money being sent but not according to the Rebells desyre and expectation, Three of the sayd Rebells tooke this examinat and beganne to hang him up, and did hang him so long till he lossed his senses, and after lett him downe And that the said Mackelhinny was one of these three and was upon the top of the tree making fast the rope roppe which they took from the messinger that came to treatt with them for the ransome.
This Examinat further sayeth that the sayd Mackelhinny and the rest of the Rebells used Christopher Bateman in the lyke manner as they did this Examinat, and that Bryan Mackelhinny and Murdogh o birne were the more cruell and seuere then all the rest

fol. 130v

He this Examinat further sayeth that Bryan Mackelhinny after this Examinat had giuen him his money did take his hatt and his gloues and the others of the Rebells tooke his Cassack co at cloake and shoes leauing him his breeches and stockings. That the cloathes which they tooke from this examinat and his fellow prisonner not being sufficient to affoord euery one of the Rebells a share they did agree that each peice of the sayd cloathes should be rated and that he that had most use for itt shoulde take itt in lieu of so much money to be deducted out of his share of the ransome and the ly ke they did with the armes which they tooke And this Examinat sayeth he did not any way perceiue neither when he was taken nor while he was with them prisonner that there was any officer amongst them, or any hauing command of the rest
And further he sayeth not &c But that while he was with sitting by the dead man he perceiued that he was shott in two seuerall places by two shotts
Thomas Paceley [mark] his marke
Taken upon oath
before me
Ja: Traill

Deponent Fullname: Thomas Paseley
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Down
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Anthony Gattinbee, Christopher Bateman, James Montgomerie, Bryan Mackelhinny, Murdagh o birne, Thomas Mackdonnell
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel