Deposition of John Bacon

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:49 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-29
Identifier: 809295r183


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery
Commissioners: John Sterne, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 295r

John Baconker of Milltowne, in the Parish of Churchtowne, in the County of Dublin Miller, beeing duly sworne before vs the Com missioners appointed for that P u r pose, Saith:
That vppon the Twelfth daye of December 1641: (hee beeing then in his house Dublin) had been trulye informed, That about twoe of the Clocke after midnight, as he was credibly informed there came a hundred persons rebells or thereabouts vppon the Lands of Milltowne aforesaid, And from thence by force and Armes, did steale take and Carrye awaye from this Deponenent, the number of Nyne and twentye English Cowes: The Cheife Rebell or Leader of that Companye was called Donnell ô Doyle, <a> of Milltowne aforesaid Laborer
And This Deponent (againe beeing in Dublin) vppon like informacion further Saith; That on the Twoe and twentith of December aforsaid, his dwelling house and Millhouse in the towne aforsaid, was assaulted about the howre of twoe a Clocke after midnight, by the number of ffiftie Rebells or therabout: Whoe then, & there with like force and Armes, Broake vpp, and entered through the Slate roofe of his house, And from thence tooke & carried awaye twoe English horses, and ffive Pecks of good Wheate.
Moreover, this Deponent saith that he & his beeing the thirdd tyme in Dublin, (for himself wife & Children Lodging lodged still then in Dublin for feare of the Rebells) vppon Credible informacion Saith: That vppon the first daye of January Last 1641: His dwelling house and said Millhouse, was assaulted about twelve of the Clocke at Midnight, by the number of One hundred Rebells or therabout, Whoe then and there forcybly broake, and Cutt with their hatchets and sledges, the dores of his said house and Mill, And then and there entered by force and Armes, And from thence stole tooke and Carryed awaye Seaven English horses, with all his goods and houshold stuffe, In which Second, and this Last Act, the seuerall vndernamed persons were Actually guilty [ ] of these <B> [ ] forcible Roberies. Vizt: Donnell ô Doyle aforesaide, Donnell Carroll, and Donnell Moore bothe of Churchtowne aforesaid laborers whoe haveing gotten armor of his Maiesties fled therewith to the Rebells By which seuerall Roberies & losse of Cowes, horses, Corne, & household stuffe, with the spoyle of his houses, Togeather with the ymprouement of his Land, This Deponent is damnified in Three hundred Pounds sterling <300 li.> at the Least:
signum Johannis Bacon
Jur 29o Jan: 1641
John Sterne
William Aldrich

fol. 295v

11 276
John Bacon Dubljn
Jur 29o Jan: 1641
Intw 12 dec



Deponent Fullname: John Bacon
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Miller
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Donnell , Donnell Carroll, Donnell Moore
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel