Examination of Marie Burie
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fol. 63r
<date this the 14 Nov:>
Marie Burie. xxiiii Nov: 1642
Antea: in page .93. sworne & examined
Saith that she this Examinant beeing latelie att Coleamber in the Countie of Westmeath heard Mr Bryan ffarrall the Lawyer tell James Nugent of Coleamber aforesaid that one Captaine Welsh commonlie called the Prior receiued three letters of intelligenc from a kinseman of the said Captaines in the Cyttie of Dublin by which Letters amongst other things hee was giuen to vnderstand that if the Irish Army had or att anytyme would come to Dublin when the English Army were gone out of the Cyttie, & although the Papists had beene searcht three tymes Yet they would finde Armes And amunition enough to cut of all the English & Protest: in the Cyttie And And this Examinant saith that att seuerall tymes she hath heard that Sir John Dungan hath written seuerall letters forth of England to his ffrendes in this kingdom the effect wherof were that hee was a great ffavorite of the kinges & that his Majesty had made him a Captaine of a Troope and, would entertaine [ noe ] but [ ] had none about him but Papists and further signified that itt was not the kings minde there should bee peace but when they had made an end of the Puritanes in Ireland
<the king would finde them worke enough in England And this Examinant saith that about abo a weeke fortnight agoe ffrancis Nugent second sonne vnto the Earle of Westmeath declared himselfe to bee in Rebellion And alsoe>
fol. 63v
(NB: upside down)
saith that Ignatius youngest sonne vnto the said Earl is latelie come from beyond seas and brought armes with him from thence & is now to be a Captaine amongst the Rebells
Mary Bury