Examination of William Baker
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fol. 65r
The Examination of William Baker, taken the xxvth day of Julie 1642, Before mee Chancellour of his Maiesties Court of Exchequer. By direction of the right honnorable the Lordes Justices & Councell./
Who beeing sworne & Examined, saith, that hee this Examinant beeing robbed att his dwelling house in the Countie of Cavan, iournyed towardes this Cyttie of Dublin, & in his passage thither was hyred (about six weekes before Christmas last) hyred by a servant of the Earle of West Meathes to bee a Cooke in his Lordshipps house. And this Examinant saith that about tenn daies after his comeing vnto the said Earles service, there were att one tyme sent out of the said house, (with the said Earles priuitie) to assist the Rebells then att the Seidge of Drogheda, sundrie of the said Earles servants: As namelie Donnell Birne the Butler of the said house, Patrick Warde the Coachman, George the Taylor, Henry Kellie the Postillioun, one ffalkenour the Bayliffe of his Lordshipps house, one Dorley the Groome, one Donnell the Waineman, & John Birne the Vnder=Cooke. Euery of which said parties were furnished with part of the Armes, which Mr ffrancis Nugent the said Earles sonne, brought from his Maiesties store att Dublin. And this Examinant further saith that as
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hee vnderstood the said parties soe sent vnto Drogheda as aforesaid, went vnder the command of one Robert Nugent of Drumcree, a Captaine amongst the Rebells. And likewise saith that about ten daies before Christmas last past there repaired vnto the said Earles house, Myles Relie, one of the Cheefe of the Rebells in the Countie of Cavan. And alsoe saith that before the said Miles came att the said house, the said Earles sonne vizt Mr ffrancis, & Mr John Nugent the said Earles Steward, Mr James Nugent, with seuerall of his the said Earl{es} Servants, went out to meete him the said Myles Relie. And accordinglie the said Miles was by them brought vnto the said Earles house, where hee the said Myles Relie, with sundry of the Rebells were enterteyned for a night and a daie. Att which tyme alsoe hee this Examinant saw the said Myles, with the sai{d} Earle of WestMeath in his Lordships bedchamber. And likewise saw the said Myles supp and dine in the dyneing roome, with the Countesse of WestMeath & the said Earles sonnes. And this Examinant further saith that the said Myles and his attendants went from the said Earles house, vnto the house of Sir Thomas Nugent, where hee likewise lodged one night; And then hee the said Myles remoued, vnto Mr Robert Nugent of Drumcree his house. And alsoe saith that dureing the Seidge of Drogheda aforesaid, Mr ffrancis Nugent the said Earles Sonne, Sir
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Thomas Nugent Barronett, and Mr Robert Nugent of Drumcree, went together vnto the Rebells then att the said Seidge. And likewise saith that sundry of the Rebells of the Countie of WestMeath vizt Robert Nugent of Carlestowne, Robert Nugent of Drumcree, Nugent of Coleamber, & diuerse others had frequent resort vnto the said Earle of Westmeth his house. And this Examinant further saith that about Candlemas last past there were seuerall meeteings att the Castle of Delvin, betweene the said Sir Thom: Nugent, Mr ffrancis Nugent sonne vnto the said Earle, & the rest of the gentlemen of the Countie of WestMeath, where they consulted what share of the charge towardes the warr, present Rebellion should bee layd vpon the said Earles landes. And att length itt was concluded that the Barrony of Delvin should bee exempted and freed from any charge. But for the residue of his Lordshipps Lands, hee should pay an equall share with the rest of the Countie, And and alsoe saith hee saw the said Countesse of WestMeath paie thirtie shillings and a barrell of Wheate, for the Contribution charged on certaine of her Landes, vnder her stock. And lastly this Examinant saith that hee often heardThompson, a Preist now in the Castle, say, that hee wished good successe vnto the Rebells, whom
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hee tearmed the Catholique Armie, and saw him often drink theire health.
Rob Meredith
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William Baker
concerning the
Earle of westmeath