Information of Hugh O’Connor

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:40 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-03-11
Identifier: 830009r014


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Galway & Roscommon
Deposition Type: Information
Nature of Deposition: Confederacy
Commissioners: Robert Meredith
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 9r

The Examination of Hugh ô Connor taken the xith day of ffebruarie 1642 before mee <o> Sir Robert Meredith knight one of his Maiesties Justices of the Peace for the Countie of Roscomman & Chancellor of his Maiesties Cour{t} of Exchequer By direction of the right honn{orable} the Lords Justices & Councell
Who beeing sworne & Examined saith that about Christmas 1641 hee this Examinant with others of the Gentrie of the County of Roscomman were perswaded & prevailed with to ioyne in the present Rebellion by Hugh oge ô Connor and certaine others imployed (as they said) by Sir Lucas Dillon for that purpose affirmeing vnto him this Examinant & the rest of the Gentrie of the Countie aforesaid that Sir Luke Dillon well knew itt to bee the kings pleasure that the said Gentrie should take vpp Armes ffor that the Puritane Parliament of England would otherwise destroy them & with all further alleadged that they should within one Quarter of a yeare see his Maiestie himselfe & the said Parliament in Armes the one against the other Yet afterwardes the said Sir Luke repaired vnto the Lord President of Connaght & professing his fidellitie obtained his Lordships protection vnder coullor whereof hee the said Sir Luke plaied on both [ ]des handes And the Examinant further saith that att a meeteing of all the Gentr{y} of the said Countie of Roscoman att Ballyntobber there were present Sir Luke Dillon Sir Vllick Bourke ffeogho ô fflin William ô Mulloy Allexander Nugent Hugh o{ge} ô Connor Charles ô Connor Roe Teige ô Connor Thom{as} Dillon and the said Sir Luke Dillon who all of them tooke

fol. 9v

an oath (which was first begun by him the said Sir Luke Dillon as far as hee this Examinant remembreth) the part of the contents whereof was for the maintenance of the kings prerogatiue and for the establishing of the Romish Religio{n} in & throughout the kingdome of Ireland Att which meeteing Itt was Likewise agreed and concluded on that the said Sir Luke Dillon and Hugh oge ô Connor should repaire vnto the Earle of Clanrickard with an offer from the Countie to make his Lordship theire Gennerall which was accordinglie done by the said parties who returned his Lordships answear as this Examinant remembers to this Effect, to witt, that hee could not accept of any such charge vntill he had vnderstood his Maiesties pleasure And this Examinant alsoe saith that hee vnderstood from sundry persons that the purpos{e} & meaneing of the principall Actors in this present Rebellion was to haue the kingdome of Ireland freed from all persons besides the Irish, & that the Plott of the aforesaid Rebellion was contriued & sett on foote att the late meeteing of Parliament att Dublin And lastly this Examinant saith that att the aforesaid meeteing held at Ballytobber there were appointed for Collonells in the said Countie Charles ô Connor Roe Bryan o Shelly & him this Examinant And for Captaines Thomas Dillon brother vnto Sir Luke Dillon Phillipp mc Dowle ffeoghory o fflin William ô Mulloy Brian ô Birne John mc Brenon & sundry others whom hee this Examinant doth not now remember
Rob Meredith

Deponent Fullname: Hugh
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Roscommon
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Hugh oge , Lucas Dillon, Vllick Bourke, ffeagho , William , Allexander Nugent, Charles , Teige , Thom{as} Dillon, Bryan o Shelly, Phillipp mc Dowle, Brian , John mc Brenon, Lord President of Connaght, Earle of Clanrickard
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned