Examination of Arthur Gore
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fol. 3r
The examination of Serjeant Major Arthur Gore taken before the right honorable the Earle of Roscomon and Sir James Ware knight etc and vppon oath ministered by the Clerk of the Councell by direccion of the right honorable the Lord Lieutenant & Councell the third day of June 1644
<b> The said Serjeant Major Arthur Gore beeing duly sworne and examjned saith that of the three Regiments which were sent out of Ireland into Scotland about a quarter of a yeare sithence, hee only sawe the Regiment comanded by Lieutenant Collonell Saint Clere, amongst whom hee observed many that w e by their habit and language hee knewe to bee Irish but whether of the Irish partie or not hee knoweth not, having noe other knowledge of them then his observation of them as they paste by him,
<A> Hee saith that the Scottish forces remaining in Vlster doe daily take onn as many Irish papists as come to them, and doe towards recruiting of and as many as come to them from the English guarrisons, they their companies, either give them double p ay or [ ] Hee saith that hee
fol. 3v
<d> hee was present at Belfast about 3 weekes sithence when Generall Major Monroe with his forces came to Belfast, and the next day after the English Regiment which had lyen there was removed thence, & some of Coll Generall Major Monroes forces were quartered in their roomes by direccion of the said Generall Major Monroe,
<e> Hee saith that hee heard it generally reported amongst the Scottish forces in the Claneboyes that there were at Dublin many that were well affected to their Covenant, & woud bee joyfull to have the said Covenant brought to Dublin, & that they there joy ed were confident that the Covenant woud bee taken at Dublin
Arth: Gore
Ja: Ware
fol. 4r
fol. 4v
3 Junij 1644
Examjnation of Serjeant Major Gore