Abstract re Colloe McBrian McMahon et al.

Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=809022r007] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:16 AM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 809022r007


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Miscellaneous
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Captivity, Robbery, Words
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 22r

An abstract of the examinations concerninge Colloe mc Brian mc Mahon & others his dependants
<m> It aperes by the examination of George Talbot taken vpon oath before the Lord Dillon the 3rd of Nou: 1641 that on saterday the 23 of Octo: last he was taken prisoner in the County of Louth by the rebells now in action vnder the Conduct of Collo mcBrian & forced to goe alonge with them
<n> 2ly that when he made meanes to depart the rebells told him he shold not goe vnti{l} they had brought him before the said Collo, vnto whom he made likewise his reques{t} of desiringe leaue to repayre homeward, but was answered by Collo that he shold not yet goe.
<o> 3ly That thervpon the said Colloe s horse trope that they had consistinge of 6 or 7 score were put into ranck & that amongst them ther was Chr Bellew; a gent of the Chamberlaines Brother to Chamberlaine the lawyer Patrick Garnon & Edward ffleminge which he beleiueth were taken by them
<p> 4ly That after the said Collo sent for him to be employed on a messuage to Babe of Deruer to surrender his Castle or they wold burne the towne & take his spoyle which this examinant refusinge he veryly thinketh that the foresaid Chamberlein was employed therin, vpon which messuage the said house of Babes was giue{n} vp vnto them; & the said Collo administred an oath vnto Babe whether he had the goods of any English man in his Custodye who answered that he had some few of pore english men into his house with there a litle of ther howsehold stuffe which he prayed might be spared.
<q> 5ly that vpon his further intreatye to Coll he obtayned leaue to come away
6ly That duringe his stay amongst the rebells he saw one Roger Whitehead among{st} them which he toke to be one of themselues beinge as forward as any of the rest
<r> 7ly That at his departure the said Collo toke him by the hand & bid him sweare by the said Colloes hand that he shold not goe before the Lords Justices which he said he wold not willingly doe.
<s> 8ly That the said Collo told him that the cause of ther risinge in armes was for that an act of paliament was past in England against Religion, & that they feared the like wold be done here for profe wherof he said that if they might haue an act past in the parliament of Ireland for libertye of Conscyence they wold presently lay downe ther arm{es}
An abstract of the examinations concerninge the sonne of Art oge o neale of the ffues
It aperes by the examination of Richard Graue of Drombote in the County of Monaghan
<t> 1 That on fryday the 22 of Octo: 1641 a litle before night a sonne of Art oge o neal{e} of the ffues whose Christian name he knowes not accompanyed with about a 100 of the said Art oges tenants armed with swords pitchforkes & some muskets came to Dromebote aforesaid to the house of william Graue brother to the said Richard & hauinge broken downe the dores & windowes of the said house they rifeled it & robbed him of all the mony they cold finde there, & of sundry other goods which they were able to carry away & after went to the house of william Graue the elder & did the like
<v> 2ly That the same night they broke into & robbed Sir Henry Spotswoods house in the same towne & toke from thence al the mony & plate which they found there & diuers houshold goods & a faire stone horse
<w> 3ly That the next day about 12 of the clock the same persons came to the said towne accompanyed with 2 or 300 more & then robbed & spoyled it of al the rest of the goods & chattles which they found & presently after they set fire vpon al the houses ther & burnt them to the ground
<y> 4ly That the goods which his ffather brother & himselfe lost therby were worth 500 li. & that he beleiueth that the goods which Sir Henry Spotswood lost were worth a thousand pounds at least

fol. 22v

<y> 5ly That on the fryday aforesaid while the said Art oges sonne was in this examinants ffathers house he heard him the said Art oges sonne & one Patrick mcCardow of Drumbee who was one of them in his company say That this was but the begininge but before they had done they wold not leaue one aliue neyther rich nor pore who went to Church & said also that by the next night Dublin wold be to hott for any of the English doggs to liue in.

fol. 23r

fol. 23v

Bre of the examinations concerninge
Collo mc Brian mc Mahon
& his dependents
& of the sonne of Art oge
Oneale of the ffues

Touching Owen
Connally; Hugh
Oge mc Mahone

Deponent Fullname: George Talbot, Richard Graue
Deponent Gender: Male, Neutral
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Colloe mc Brian mc Mahon, Roger Whitehead, Patrick mcCardow, Lord Dillon, Chr Bellew, Patrick Garnon, Edward ffleminge, * Babe, william Graue, Henry Spotswood, william the elder Graue, * Chamberlaine, Art oge o neale
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Examiner, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned