Deposition of Edward Trevor
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 11r
The examjnation of Capten Edward Trevor aged 21 yeares or therabouts taken before the Right honorable the Earle of Roscomon and Sir James Ware knight &c. vppon oath ministered by the Clerk of the Councell (by direction of the right honorable the Lo: Lieutenant and Councell) the 14 of June 1644
<g> The said Capten Edward Trevor beeing duly sworne and examjned saith that hee knoweth that the Scottish forces now in the North of Ireland who have taken the late Covenant lately sent out of Scottland into Vlster have taken on a very great number of Irish and Papists lately in armes with the Irish partie, <h> and hee saith that hee verily beleeveth that the number of those of that kinde soe taken on as aforesaid are soe great as they make a fowrth parte of their marching [ ] men whole strength or neere thereabouts, and saith that hee hath credbily heard that those soe taken on as aforesaid are vsually fedd out of the as others of their men are out of the provisions that were sent out from the Loe Cuntries <l> which arived lately at Carrigfergus, and hee saith that some of those of that kinde soe taken on that afterwards run away from them, with the clothes they
fol. 11v
<k> they had gotten from them toud the examinant that those men soe taken on as aforesaid were fedd out of the said provisions as the rest are
Edw: Trevor
Ja: Ware
fol. 12r
fol. 12v
14 Junij 1644
The examjnation of Capten Edward Trevor