Examination of John MacAdam
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fol. 15r
The examjnation of Capten John MacAdam aged 28 yeares or therabouts taken before the Right honorable James Earle of Roscomon and Sir James Ware knight etc vppon oath ministered by the Clerk of the Councell (by direccion of the Right honorable the Lo: Lieutenant Councell) the 14 of June 1644
<o> The said Capten John MacAdam aged beeing duly sworne and examjned saith that in the month of May last the foote company then commanded by the examinant in Collonell Arthur Chichesters Regiment, beeing quartered at Stramillis within lesse then a mile of Belfast, and the examinant having necessary occasion to repaire to Belfast, left the charge of the said company with one of his serjeants James McRuller and soe the examinant went to Belfast where hee <p> lodged that night, And hee saith that early the next morning one John Plunckett a Gentleman then of the examinants said foote company came to the examinant to his chamber, and tould him that the said foote company were broken, and that many of them that were Covenanters had by order of Generall Major Monroe marched
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<q> marched that morning from Stramillis to Belfast, with tucked drums and cullors flying, and that by like orders from the Generall Major Monroe they had that morning torne in peeces their cullors in the markett place at Belfast, whervppon the examinant (his chamber windowe looking into the markett place) ran imediatly to his <r> chamber windowe, and looking out, and seeing one Capten Kenedy Capten of the watche in the markett place, the examinant called to the said Capten Kenedy; and taking notice to him of the mutinous and disordered carriage of the examinants said company, desired the said Captain <s s> Kenedy to stay them vntil the examinant could gett redy and goe to them, whervppon the said Capten Kenedy answered that it was to noe purpose, and that hee could not doe it, for what the said company had don was by order of Generall Major Monroe, and that hee <t> the said Capten had Kenedy had seene and read the said order vnder the hand of Generall Major Monroe wherby it was appointed that the said company should marche with cullors & drum as they did to
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<v> to Belfast and there openly in the markett place to teare the cullors of the examinant as Capten of the said Company in Collonell Chichester Chichester regiment, and that don to marche imediately with the said Company to Carigfergus, and when (as the said Capten Kenedy then tould the examinant) <w> there was in the said order signed by Generall Major Monroe a clause requiring Collonell Hume who comanded the Guarrison at Belfast to bee ayding and assistant to execution of the said order
John McAdams
Ja: Ware
fol. 16v
14 Junij 1644
The examjnation of Capten John MacAdam