Deposition of Josuah Bishop
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:37 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 248r
Josuah Bishop of the cittie of Dublin Esquire sworne saith that he was present at the house of Sir William Reeues knight, when mr Joseph Smithson <A> Clarck had thither brought one mr William Woolverston Esquire to be examined concerneing the death of Mary Smithson the wife of the said Joseph and the saide mr Woluerston was there taxed to haue a hand in hir death, but he denyd sayeing shee was still aliue, and that if he might haue a Comission he would bring hir forth. But afterwards in the said house the said mr Wolverstone in this deponents presence said, that because mr Smithson had soe taxed him he would if he liued come quitttance and euen with him, and vsed some threatening words against him.
Josuah Bishopp
Jurat xjo ffebruarij 1641
John: Sterne
Hen: Brereton
This is a true Coppy the orriginall whereof was giuen into the Court of the cheife place for Evidence against the Rebels, where it still remayneth.
Wittnes our hands Julij 7o: 1652
Hen: Jones
fol. 248v