Deposition of John Heyes
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:34 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 62r
John Heyes late of Bray in the County of Wickloe Inholder sworne and examined saieth That Katherin the wife of Lawrence Sherlocke late of Bray aforesaid about the <A> Sixt Day of January last told this Deponent that the wife of Mr Joseph Smithson Clark whoe was brought by the Rebbells to Portscorte was at length from thence Carried away in a very unseemely manner to a place called Kilmacannock & that when the Rebells had brought her thither a lettre came unto them from mr William Wolverston of Stillorgan in the County of Dublin Esquire whereby hee required the said Rebbells that carried her up whereof his owne Sonn was one, that they should by noe meanes spare the said Mrs Smithsons life And further Saieth that hee hath Since credibly heard that the said Rebbells have putt both the said Mrs Smithson and her maide to Death: And further Saieth that the said Katherin alsoe tould him that the Daughter of Luke Toole the Rebbell had formerly Saved the life of the Said Mrs Smithson as begging it from her father & did prevaile therein soe long as she stayed at Portscourt and untill the Comeing of the <B> said Wolverstons letter which was brought by his owne man
Signum Dicti Johannis Hayes
Jur: 16 ffebr 1641
Joh Waltson
William Aldrich
This is a true Copie the originall whereof was given into the Court of cheife place for evidence against the rebbells where it still remaineth wittness our hands July 7 1652
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
fol. 62v