Articles of surrender for Jobe Ward

Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:16 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-14
Identifier: 811118r085


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Miscellaneous
Nature of Deposition: Succour
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 118r

Wee doe here in the presence of god and of his Angells and all the holly Saintes in heaven, ffaithfully Covenante and vow from the bottome of our hartes without <A> any equivicacion or mentall reservacion that wee will from time to time and att all times dureing this hostylytie and warr faithfully and truely observe preserve in safety Jobe Ward of Knockra in the Countye of wickloe Esquire with his wyefe Children and servauntes and all Tenntes cattle and houshold stuffe in the dwelling Castle of Knockra togeather with his brother Mr John Ward his wiefe and Children and all that doe belong vnto them or eyther of them the said John or Jobe ward to the vttmost of our power And alsoe wee doe binde our selues to leav{e} fiue of the best peeces and musketes for the defence of the said hous{e} and to redelyver backe {Callcott} Chambree of Mynmore now in { } our Costodye to the said Jobe safe and well in to the Castle of {the} said Jobe ward, and noe way to molest any of them but to see t{here} bagg and baggage safely Conveyed out of the county ayther for { } or els where when ever the said Jobe shall desire to be gone att or b{efore} may next this wee avow avow and toke our oathes vppon the holly evangelest our Manuells and all other bookes wee vse or ought to sweare by And it is our true intente to obserue all Condicions in this presente wryteing soe god be our helpe and saluacion att the our of our deathes and att the last day In wittnes whereof of our true reall intente and meaneing, wee haue all taken our oathes and putt vnto our handes and seales this fowerteenth of November 1641
Luke Birne
John Byrne
Felix Birne
<B> Charles Birne
Thurlagh Birne
Thurlagh Birne
Barnaby Toole
Garrett Birne
Thurlagh Birne
Donnagh Toole
being present
Nicholas Parker
Calcott Chambree

fol. 118v


{ }
A Coppy of Articles of the
Irish Comanders to Joob
Ward att the surrender
of his Castle

Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Jobe Ward, John Ward, Nicholas Parker, Calcott Chambree, Luke Birne, John Byrne, Felix Birne, Charles Birne, Thurlagh Birne, Thurlagh Birne, Barnaby Toole, Garrett Birne, Thurlagh Birne, Donnagh Toole
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel