Letter from John Byrne and others
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fol. 126r
Worthy Cosen wee receaved a lettre from Mr ward acquainteing vs that you haue wrytten to him that he should departe wee lett you vnderstand <A> that your sonnes and wee haue gyven him a quarter there, and by our protestacions vnder our handes wrytten are to make that good vnto him, the which for the world wee would not any way infringe: Moreover wee haue sent Thurlagh mc Donell to charge his house to see if there were any provision there for warrs that should by any way dangerous vnto our safety and he found none Therefore wee desire you not to trouble him there but suffer him to enioy it dureing his time and the rather by reason that nothing stayes him but shipping and good weather Thus desireing you not to fayle therein wee rest
Yours att Comaund
John Byrne
Gearett Byrne
Thurlagh Byrne
10 De: 1641
fol. 126v
Luke Tooles letter presently to be gone from Knockraie
Theise lettres shewen to Mrs Ayres at the tyme of her examinacion
28 Januar 1652
Ja Donelan
Tho: Dongan
Tho: Hooke
To Mr Jobe warde these be deliuered at Knockrath with speede