Letter from Luke Toole
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fol. 127r
Sir I vnderstande that the reporte of oure destruction and ouertroe a wednesday last was very pleasante and welcome vnto yow and that the very noise of your mirth and shoutinge was harde in the seuerall townes adioininge vnto yow that night, alsoe when yow harde of the comeinge of the armie from Dublin into theise parts that yow weare makinge of prouition bruinge and killinge of beeues; your nephewe Chambre after he gott a faier quarter and beinge soe familier amongst oure armie wente to Carnowe to offend vs as much as he can, where I hope he wilbe vsed acordinge his deserte, the quarter that my Captaines gaue yow in sufferinge yow to departe ffreely and to take awaye your goods I doe alone but for your residence or abode there any longer I will not suffer Therfore departe and goe amongst your frends withoute delay, for he that woulde reioyce at my hurte shall not dwele soe neere my doore ffearinge yow woulde offende as your nephewe did; soe hopinge this to be a faier warneinge of which yow maye take notice at your perill Dated this 8th of december 1641
Luc: Toolle
fol. 127v
This letter sent to the other Rebells
A letter from Luke Toole
to Joab Ward