Commission for Luke Toole
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:24 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 178r
<symbol> To Colonel Luke alias Pheagh o Tohill greeting in our Lord God euerlasting
The pressing Calamities of this kingdome (wherewith the holy <A> Catholique apostolique and Roman religion, his sacred Maiesties Right, and the iust liberties of vs his loyall subiectes are like to be trode vnder foot by a company of prophane and mechanical Rebells made instrument{s} of Gods wrath to punish our sinnes) together with the confidence wee have in your zeale, worth and wisdome to rescue those so deare pleadges, invites vs to call to your assistance, Giving you hereby full power and authoritie to levie leade and commaund a Regiment of foot and a Troope of horse praying you to conteine the sayd Regiment and Troope as much as may be, from incurring Gods iust anger, especially from oppressing the poore, swering and stealing, Giving you to vnderstand wee are herevnto authorised by his Excellency the lo: livetenant Marquesse of Ormond, as appeareth by his letter Dated at Loghriagh the first of last April; Wee also pray you with the consent of the Gentry there to choose among your selves in that partes a Commaunder in cheefe, and that each Colonel may choose his owne officers We will not cease to pray his divine Maiestie to encouradg you to fight in his quarell and bless your designes ffarewell Given at Cavan the secund of May 1650
H Ardmuch
fr Thomas Dublin
Eug Killmoren
fr Edwardus laghlenensis episcopusfr Johan
fr Antonius Clunmacnosensis Episcopus
<B> Walter B. Clunfert
James Dempsie
vic appo of Kildare
the 7th of September 1652
This is a true Copie of the originall remayning with me
Luc: Toolle Luc: Toolle
fol. 178v
fol. 179r
fol. 179v
A Copie of Luke Toole
his Comission to be Colonell
and raise a Regiment
of foote & a troope of