Deposition of Raph Austin
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:59 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 37v
<Exr 53> Raph Austin of Blackenstowne in the parrish of Lucan and County of Dublin a Brittish protestant duly sworne & examined deposeth, That on or about the xvjth day december last past about one of the clock in the night, and about fower of the clock in the night following and at divers tymes since he hath been robbed and dispojled of his goods & meanes to the value following vizt of Cowes and horses worth Lxx li. of swyne and sheepe worth xx li. of howsholdgoods worth x li. of Corne and hay worth CCij li. of greene Corne in the grownd worth 204 li. Amounting in all to five hundred and six pownds ster By the handes or meanes of theis men following vizt Walter Hussie a kinsman to the Baron of Galtrim came accompanied with thirty men and carried away some part of the deponents said goodes, pretending that he had a warrant from the said Baron for soe doeing James Allen nephew to Robert Allen of Saint Wolstans accompanied with many disordered Rebells over whom he was Captain (as it was reported) carried away a greate part of the deponents Corne towards the Rebells at Droghedah And he and his Company kept their Court of guard in the deponents howse: And he alsoe saith that he did about the same tyme see divers musketts in the howse of the said Robert Allen which a smith or other workman was there makeing new stocks for. Jur 23o ffebr 1641 coram Henr Breton & Johanne Sterne