Declaration by Talbott and Eustace
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:26 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 14r
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whereas we the vndernamed knights esquire and gent, with others are appointed by the generall Consent of the whole County of kildare, for establishing a Course that proujtyon may be equallie leujed for the better ease of the said County towards the armje now on foote for the defence of the said County, we therefore desire authorish and appointe Thomas Aysh william Barnuell Rouland Euestace of Blackhall Richard Barnuell of Brenockston and Rich: Archbould gent Cessors for the vpper Barony of Nas, nott only to Cease vpon all Corne Cattle and other goods whatsoeuer wich did belonge to any protestant now within the Barony aforesaide, but allsoe to inquire diligently, for any goods or Cattle whatsoeuer alyned imbeseled or Conuayed in to any other parts or Countyes, and of all such Corne Cattle and goods to deliuer from tyme to tyme a true and exactte accoumpte vnto Christofer Eustace of Newland and William Eustace of Cradocston esquire Comjtyoners for the said Barony we allso desire authorish and appointe the Cessors aforesaid to Cause such proujtyon to be made of beare bread and meate or of the said Corne and Cattle, as shall from tyme to tyme be thoght fitt by the said Comjtyoners, and for your soe doinge this shalbe your warrant dated this 14th of feb: 1641
Robt Talbott
Christofer Eustace
fol. 14
A warrant of Sir Robert
Talbotts & Christopher