Addition of John Martch
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:16 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 337r
ould Ser charles coote for weines
at the nace when the garsecon li. s. d.
was forest set ------------------------------------ 3- 5-0
Ser arter loftes ---------------------------------- 5-15-0
capten henes ------------------------------------ 6-10-0
capten ford -------------------------------------- 5- 8-0
lefftenant alen ---------------------------------- 3- 0-0
leftanant eustes --------------------------------- 3- 5-0
leftenant loftes ---------------------------------- 3- 0-0
the lord cafeld ---------------------------------- 6- 0-0
lefftenant morton ------------------------------- 3- 5-0
maiore Roper ----------------------------------- 8- 0-0
leftnant breurton ------------------------------- 3- 0-0
capten sednam --------------------------------- 3- 5-0
ensein crow ------------------------------------- 2-10-0
ensein well -------------------------------------- 0-12-0
ensein legh -------------------------------------- 1- 2-0
capten wenfeld --------------------------------- 6-10-0
ensein madigen --------------------------------- 0-18-0
leftanant collom -------------------------------- 2- 6-0
laftanant anckers ------------------------------- 1-13-0
mor by troperes and other preiuat
soulderes in small detes -----------------------35- 8-0 30- 5-
to capten stotfeld soulderes in monei
by teiket from the stat ------------------------- 6-12-0
to Ser thomas wharton soulderes
by teiket in monei by the stat ---------------- 7-12-0
fol. 337v
John Martch his
Additon Jur
87 li.-00-
debts 100 li.-00