Letter from Captain John Perkins
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fol. 130r
[This petition is deleted in its entirity.]
The humble peticion of Captaine John Perkins
To the right honorable the Lo: Lilfetenant and Councell
Shewinge that wheras your peticioner hath served in this Kingdom for the sp and for myne partes for the spaice of 48 yeares and all that he had acquired vnto himselfe by meanes thereof was by this Most vnfortunate rebellion Lost in one night and him selfe Captinvated for the space of 2 yeares and 5 dayes in Most and greate danger of his life vntill such tyme as by the providence of God this propere Cessacion was Inlarged and came vnto this Cittie for his Releife where he hath beene releued by his Maiestie Excellency vntill he hath nowe provided him a place in Wales & Company of 100 ffoote
fol. 130v
[ ] Kings County
Joseph Joice Jur 7o Jan: 1643