
Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:20 PM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 815005r006


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Queen's Co
Deposition Type: Index
Nature of Deposition: Index
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 5r

Adams William 70Cartan Tho: 4Campion Simon 177
Alborough William 72Cooke William 6Chappell William 190
Aberley Jo: 111Campion Tho: 16Corbett Geffrey 194
Ayherst William 131Carroll Tho: 28
Alfrey William 152Challender Tho: 44
Cutlar Tho: 49
Cashen Tho: 56
Cosby Charles 71
BCurren ffrancis 85
Burrowes Ric. 7Carter Ric 92
Benfeild Edw: 19Conraghy Morgan 93
Benfeild Jo: 19Clark John 97
Beane Daniell 22Cooper Tho: 106
Benfeild Dorothy 24Checkley Edward 110
Basse Robert 25Co{ } Alice 113
Buck David 31Conny William 120
Brenan Dennis 32Colvill James 124
Beale Emanuell: 35 205Collins Tho: 129
Burton Hanna: 40Cosby Charles. 137
Baraclough John 42Carpenter John. 139
Bowker Jo: 43Cumberlidg Roger 146ff
Barding Cha: 48Correy Walter 171ffardell Tho: 62
Basse Robert 98ffox James 91
Barnard Jo: 99Dffullan Daniell 96
Billington Mary 115Duley Jo: 1ffranck Samuel 140
Barington Tho: 136Dale Jo: 14ffortune Jo: 154
Berkett Elenor 147Discome Walter 34ffoote Robert 156
Brereton Tho: 151Deane John 37
Bren Theobald 161Dungan Tho: 106
Brereton Jo: 163Dale John 107 G
Bingham Ann 170 192Davy Humfrey 108 Good Humfrey 12
Berry Tho: & Jo: 173Dudley Eliz: 122 Gilbert Grace 15
Brereton Andrew 178Dunne Bar: 166Goulding Christofer 82
Barber ffra: 186Gilbert William 104
Baskervile Eliz: 195 201Glass Jo: 119
Brereton Dorothy 196Grissell John 127
Beale Emanuell 205Gorrell Jo: 132
Gilbert Henry 18{0}

fol. 5v

Hovenden Anthony 5Lucas ffrancis 39
Hudson William 30Laughlin Donoghe 77
Haslam Phillip 36Lord ffrancis: 177
Hewet Elizabeth 38Linge John: 199
Hopley Jasper 41
Harris Tho: 47
Harris Tho: 59
Hooke Ric 60
Hooke Ric 63
Hopkins John 64
Higgs William 65
Hobbs Joseph 67
Hynes Tho: 73
Hopton Jo: 95
Holmes William 114
Hill William 123
Holliock Jo: 128M
Holt Joseph 141Mills William 8
Harrison Jo: 143Morrice Mathew 49
Holmsted Ric 148Manby Roger 79
Holt Tho: 172Morgan Jo: 138
Hoile Jona: 181Manser Margret 145
Holt John 193Massie John 149
Holt Dorothy 198Mountford Margret 162
Higgs William 200Mansin Amy 167

Jackson William 78Needham Symon 17
Jepson Henry 90Needham William 21
James Tho: 121Norris Jo: 142
Jay Eliz: 176Nicolls 187
Jenkinson Miles 202
James Marmaduke 204

King Mark 33
Knowles Tho: 53
Kniveton John 75
Keys Ellenor 103

fol. 6r

Oliver Richard 69Smith Hen: 188Somner Stevin 17{6}
Ogden Hen: 114Sandford Eliz 23Steele Ric et al 179
Spakeman John 29Smith Ric 183
PSanders William 44Sherring Jo: 103
Pave Jo: 46Smith John 51
Smith William 52W
QSilly Geo: 76Woodroof Clement {}
Quency Ric 27Smith Hen: 84Wagstaff Eliz 87
Storer Barth: 100Wilkinson: Lawr 88
RSande Isack 105Walker Goodman 94
Richardson Henry 18Swash Ja: 112Wharton Robert 109
Rives Raph 26Sams Marm: 116Walker Jo: 117
Robins Robert 54Sheverick Alice 118Woolley Joseph 21
Ridges Rich: 55Sanders Ellin 133Walker Jo: 21
Roberts Katherin 66Stainbridg Tho: 150Weld James 130
Rigen William 89Shurley Tho: 155Wilkinson Jo: 144
Robins Tho: 134: 137Sergint Pillip 158Wilson Tho: 157
Reader Eliz: 169Scowerfeild Ethel: 162Walcott Eliz: 159
Ring Sam: 185Swarbreck Mary 168Ward Job: 165
Robinson Ann 191
Tredwell Ric 13Wright Anthony 175
Tingle William 58Webster John 184
Taylor Tho: 74Wright Anthony 82
Tilson Jo: 110 Wilcockson Jo: 197
Tarlton Gilbert 126
Tucker Jo: 153
Taylor Margret 160

Vines Sarah 83
Vaughan Rowland 125

Winsmore Jo: 2
Wilson Tho: 3
Wilson Tho: 9
Walsh Oliver 11
Wade Isabell 20
Westland Ric 38
Wilson Simon 50
Wilson ffrancis 57
Wright William 61
Willmott Ben: 68
Winington Joane 74
{Wilmott }

fol. 6v