Extract of the petition of John Nettervill
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fol. 200r
Extracts of Sir Jo: Nettervills peticion That his house within 5 miles of Drogheda
<1> That the Rebells came sudenly to the seege of Drogheda, and that the rebells came in such numbers as hee could mak noe way from his house to the towne beeing a fewe miles from the towne
<2> That he mainteined his house within a mile of the enemy & that That thes numbers soe increased as hee was not able to resist them
<3> That they broake & forced into his house in great parties once or twice, & resided there against his will
<4> That hee determined to leave his house & come to his majesties forcs with the first opportunity, which was when the E: of Ormond came to Garistowne
<5> That then of his own accord hee submitted & presented himself to his majesties obedience & service, & soe came to Dublin to the servic & protection of his majestie
<6> That there he was com itted o n h i s comeing & s oon e after indicted of treason chiefly for receiving Rebell s <6> That his beeing indicted was chie fly for receiving Rebells into his house, & that hee was not able to resist them
<7> That hee is the 4 or 5th that presented themselves after the proclamacion of Januarie
<8> That those submittors [ neere ] exceeded not 14 or 15 persons
< [ 10 ] 9> That all weare comitted & indicted, some putt to the rack & otherwise afflicted
<10> That many were deterred from submission (as it may bee conceived) by the severity extended to those fewe that o f the i r own accord s came in<11 [ 12 ] > That hee rem ained prisoner above 12 monthes <12 [ 13 ] > That baile was refusedThat
fol. 200v
<14> Tht his receiving the Rebells i nto his house was the chief cause of his indictment<15> That the indictment was found by men against whom hee had legall excepcions
<16> That some of the examjnacions taken against him were extorted by menace & threatening with the rack and such like punishments
<17> That his own examjnacion was much enforced by leaving out all that might lawfully mitigat or excuse his offence
<18> That it is conceived that the proclamacion, and the order of parliament of England with his sub miss ion & comeing to Dublin as soone as p ossibly : hee could for the Rebel ls do e in honor & justice give pard on to greater transgress ions the benefit whereof hee imploreth
fol. 201v
17 May 1643
Extract made at the board out of Sir Jo: Nettervills petition whereof a coppy was delivered to Sir Jo: ead die.