Examination of Gerrald Relie
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fol. 60r
The examinacion of Gerrald Relie of Dublin taken before us Sir Ri Bolton knight Lord Cha: of Ireland and Sir Gerrard Lowther knight &c the first day of November 1641The examinant saith that an ffriday was fortnight hee Landed in this Kingdome<T:> This examinant saith that hee was a servant in the Loe Countryes vnto Coronell Willmott, and Came with him into England and served vnder him as a Trooper in the Last expedicion in the North of England, and that service beinge done hee came into Ireland to see his freinds and gett some imployment; and on ffriday LaWas fortnight Landed at Dublin, and remained there lodginge in the howse of one Cooper till Thursday after and that day went towards the North to see his mother <V> whoe liues by the Logh neere virginia, and hearinge of an vprore in the Country retourned back againe to gett some imployment heere in Dublin, and vpon Wednesday Last came to Dublin to the Howse of one William Gealagh in Oxmanton where hee was apprehended.
Gared Rellye
Ri: Bolton Canc
Gerrard Lowther
fol. 60v
fol. 61r
fol. 61v
1 No: 1641
Gerrald Relie his
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