Deposition of Samuell Price

Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:11 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-02-25
Identifier: 817156r122a


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Longford & Westmeath
Deposition Type: Abstract Concerning James Farrell
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Henry Jones, John Sterne, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

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Samuell Price adged fifty yeares therabouts late of Keenagh in the parish of Kildacamoge in the barrony of Moydowe in the County of Longford Esquire a Brittish protestante beinge duly sworne deposeth That after foure dayes leager by the rebbells of this examinant in his said howse of Keenagh about Noone vpon the <A> Nyne and twentieth day of October last Irrell ffarrell Esquire high sherriffe of the County of Longford, Brian mc William ffarrell of Ballintobber in the said county gent. Brian mc James fferrall of Pallacebegg in the said County gent. James mc Connell fferrall of Tenelicke in the said county Esquire [ ] Robert fferrall of Bawne in the said County Esquire Lisagh duffe fferrall of Newtowne in the said county esquire Edmond mc Robert fferrall of Carrickfanell in the said County gent. Teige mc Connell fferrall of Balleclare in the said County gent Murrogh mc Tirlagh fferrall of Correy in the said county gent and diuerse other persons to this examinant vnknowne came to this examinants house of Keenagh in the said county of Longford (this examinant then standinge vpon his guarde) And this examinant appeareinge over the wall to them the said high sheriffe tould this examinant that hee and those gentlemen within him (hearinge of the tumults that were Northwards, and how there was authority and proclamacion from his Maiesty that all Englishmens goodes should be seised to his Maiesties vse and how that the Comon people takeinge knowledge therof had vsed cruelty even to barbarisme towards the English, and knowinge that the countrey was and would be much impouerished by reason that those Northerne men and fforiners wold make their discents and take the Englishmens goodes out of that county of Longford had agreed amonge themselues to take into his the said sherriffes handes all those Englishmens goodes that desired to be protected for which hee the said sherriffe should be Answerable in case they were to be restored, and that in the meane tyme hee the said sherriffe and those aforenamed would doe their best endeavors to protect and defend the persons and houses and houshouldstuffe of all such Englishmen

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Englishmen as should doe soe vnless hee the said sherriffe receiued further directions, And as for your parte sayeth hee the sherriffe (in the name alsoe of the rest) wee here and all the gentlemen of the County doe wish you (the examinant) as well as one of our selues, therfore be ruled, But this examinant refused till after much expostulacion and desire to be advised hee this examinant went alonge with the said sherriffe to Sir Richard Browne <A.> Barronett whoe was indeede much offended att the said sherriffes proceedinges, yett tould this examinant that the high sherriffe was the Kinges officer and though able of himselfe had alsoe given security to be accomptable and therfore since the sherriffe would vndertake it advised this examinant to consent to it, vpon which this examinant agreed thervnto, and returneinge backe with the said sherriffe and the rest hee this examinant deliuered over his Cattle to the said high sherriffe whoe deliuered <B.> them over to the said Brian mc William and Brian mc James whoe disposed of them as they thought good and promissed to defend the person house familly and houshouldgoodes of this examinant and departed backe with his company as hee the sherriffe said to Sir Richard Brownes house beinge not a mile distant, but about one houre after his the said sheriffes departure there came to this examinants said house of Keenagh the said Brian mc William, Brian mc James and with <C.> them James mc Lisagh of Kilsrowla in the said County gent Lisagh mc Garrett ofin the said county gentand diuerse others to the Number of seaventy men armed with pikes and guns & inumerable others armed with hedgstakes and pitchforkes sayeinge they had warrant to seise the house and goodes for his Maiesties vse wherupon this examinant at two seuerall tymes sent and posted one horsman and a footman to the sherriffe for aide whoe spake with him but hee would not come soe as this examinant the day and

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and yeare aforesaid about Nyne of the Clocke in the Night had his said howse entred and was robbed of in Corne and hay to the value of three hundred poundes ster., In horses, Mares, Colts, Cowes Oxen, Calues, sheepe, hoggs to the value of seaven eight hundred seaventy one pounds in housholdstuffe and plate to the value of five hundred and twenty poundes ster. In apparell bookes and ready money to the value of one hundred seaventy two poundes ster. In prouisions of butter, Cheese, fish and fireinge to the value of fforty three poundes ster. In debts by specialty and without to the value of seaven hundred poundes ster. In leases to the value of one thowsand poundes ster. In yearly rent to the value of two hundred and fifty poundes ster. In all amountinge to the summe of Three thowsand eight hundred four score and sixteene poundes ster., besides the barbarous demolisheinge of his howse and loss of his landes, And this examinant <D.> further deposeth, that William mc ffergus fferrall of Ballentubber in the said county gent. Esquire Connell mc Morrogh fferrall of Bulleclare in the said County gent. ffargus mc Connell fferrall eldest sonne and heire of the said Connell, Teige mc Connell another of the said sonnes of the said Connell, Richard mc James of Lynyn in the said County gent Gerrott mc James fferrall brother to the said Richard ffarrell Murrogh mc Turlogh fferrall sonne and here of Turlagh mc Owny fferall of Rurremanagh in the said County gent. James mc Kedagh fferrall of Ballencloide in the said County gent, William o Kenine of Clonsherringe in the said County victualler and Teige of Kenny of Gurtinboy in the said county gent., are all of them Complotters with the said high sherriffe and the rest aforenamed in Comittinge, and perpetrateinge of

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of the aforesaid robbery his this examinants cause of Knowledge is that att the same tyme that the force and robbery aforesaid was comitted att Keenagh they <E> the said Connell mc Morrogh, ffargus mc Connell Teige mc Connell, Richard mc James, Garrett mc James Morogh mc Tirlagh, James mc Kedagh ffarrell William o Kenny and Teige o Kenny with diuerse others whose names this examinant Cann gett noe informacion of brake vpp and entred the other howse of of him this examinant att Aghacurrin in the said county from whence this examinant had remoued himselfe about foure dayes before and plundered and tooke from thence of this examinants goodes to the value of sixty poundes ster, diuerse of which goodes the servants of this examinants beinge employed for that purpose affirmed they saw in the seuerall possessions of the said parties, And this Examinant <ff> further deposeth, That William mc ffargus aforesaid tooke possession of the house of Keenagh as for his owne vse and afterwards went and did take possession alsoe of this examinants other house of Aghacurren, till vpon difference betweene those of Clonawly vizt the said Connell mc Morrogh and his sonnes and the said William, the said William was forced to retraite backe And this examinant further deposeth that hee hath heard the said high sherriffe James mc Connell Brian mc James, Brian mc William Richard mc Robert Connell mc Moragh and Moragh mc Turlagh say that they had a warrant from his Maiestye <G> vnder his hand and seale to iustifie theire takeinge of the Englishmens goodes, because the Englishmen were traitors and would haue put vp another Kinge when his Maiesty was in Scotland And that if the Englishmen did not departe the Kingdome within eight dayes they they should loose theire lives

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lives but this examinant desireinge to see the warrant they refused to shew it, this examinant sayes further that the separacion of his wife and children from him, the loss of his goodes and estate though greate and greevious vnto him was agrivated and made more insupportable by their base detraction and calumny cast vpon his Maiesty, and the odious aspercion by them layd vpon him and the rest of the English nacion of treason and rebellion which hee doubts not by Gods Grace beinge enabled by his Maiesty to retorne into the bossomes of those base detractors, This examinant further sayeth, that Mr George fflawne a Justice of peace, samuell Halsworth, John Swayne William Davies, Richard worthington, Thomas Newball, Richard Barton, Launcellott Carr Robert Carruder John Steele and diuers other Englishmen protestants, Tennants of this examinants were at the same time present in the said howse of Keenagh, with this examinant and robbed and spoiled of their estates and goodes, the some of whose losses hee leaueth vnto their particulers And further deposeth not,.
Sam Price
Jur: 25th
ffebr. 1641
John Sterne
William Aldriche

This a true Coppie of the orriginall wherof was given into the Courte of Cheefe place for evidence against the rebells where it still remaineth wittnes our handes Julij 7o 1652
Hen: Jones. Hen: Brereton.

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Deponent Fullname: Samuell Price
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Longford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Irrell ffarrell, Brian mc William ffarrell, James mc Connell fferrall, Robert fferrall, Lisagh duffe fferrall, Edmond mc Robert fferrall, Teige mc Connell fferrall, Murrogh mc Tirlagh fferrall, Brian mc James, James mc Lisagh, Lisagh mc Garrett, William mc ffergus fferrall, Connell mc Morrogh fferrall, ffargus mc Connell fferrall, Teige mc Connell, Richard mc James, Gerrott mc James fferrall, Murrogh mc Turlogh fferrall, James mc Kedagh fferrall, William o Kenine, Teige Kenny, Richard mc Robert, Connell mc Moragh, Moragh mc Turlagh, George fflawne, samuell Halsworth, John Swayne, William Davies, Richard worthington, Thomas Newball, Richard Barton, Launcellott Carr, Robert Carruder, John Steele, Richard Browne, Turlagh mc Owny fferall
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Mentioned, Mentioned