Examination of Phillip McManus
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fol. 65r
The examination of Phillip mc Manus taken before vs &c Sa: Mayart knight &c & Hugh Cressye esquire &c the 2nd of Nou: 1641
<E> Who beinge examined saith that before the soldeirs went into the North of Ireland he dwelt with James Neuterfeile in the County of Tirone & after went to the North of Ireland where he serued as a soldier vnder Capt: Butler & after they were disbanded he went with a Scotch drouer into England to helpe to driue cattle & went as farr as Manchester & sold his cattle & came back about a fortnight after lammas, & that while he was in England he had no acquaintance with any but only driue his cattle & came back since which time he did worke in haruest worke til about 3 wekes since at which time heareinge that Symon Neuteruile was made a Captayne (but whether he shold goe or vpon what seruice he knoweth not) he came vpon Munday last was fortnight from Kells where he then liued alone without any other company to Liscarten where he lay at Alson Knoxes house wher ther was a great company of butchers & drouers but he knoweth none of them <F> & from thence vpon tuseday followinge he went to the Nauan with some company that went thether which he knowes not & ther lay one night but at whose house he knoweth not but in the same were diuers drouers & the next day beinge wedensday he came to Donshollye with one of that towne whome he knoweth not where he lay at a widdowes house whose names he knoweth not wher some drouers also lay but he knoweth none of them & vpon thursday followinge he came to Dublin & enquired for a kinsman called Patrick Manus whome he heard dwelt there but cold not find him neyther friday or saterday & vpon sunday morninge he was apprehended. He further saith that the cause of his cominge to Dublin was to get some Captayne to serve vnder & that he was not aduised or councelled by any <G> to come to Dublin neyther did he knowe that Symon Neuteruile was in Dublin & that he knoweth nobody of the County of Monaghan but some meane persons in the County of ffermannagh whom he hath not seen this halfe yeare & more, neyther was he promised any employment by any whatsoeuer if he wold come to Dublin but came voluntaryly of himselfe to seke his fortunes. & that nobody bore his charges hether to Dublin but that he had only 2 s. in his purse which he got by his labor in haruest. & that whilest he was in Dublin he lay ouer the water but at whose house he knoweth not nor what streete it was in
Phillip [mark] mc Manus marke
Sa: Mayart
Hu: Cressy
fol. 65v
fol. 66r
fol. 66v
2 No: 1641
The examinacion of
Phillip mc Manus
the xxjth of october
he came to dublin
to be be a souldier
The Examinacion of
Philip mc Manus