A note of remembrance

Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=818148r144] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:16 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1644-12-17
Identifier: 818148r144


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Miscellaneous
Nature of Deposition: Words
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 148r

The xvijth Dec
That notwithstandinge I seemed to be soe forward in the behalfe <n> of the Parliament, yett I said (which six witneses will proue) that my Lo: of Ormond should Commaunde the forte, when he would Send his Commaunder, to summon it, and that It was neuer the further from his Lordship: or the Kinge, to be victualed, and Strengthed, ffrom which his Lordship: deriues this Concusion (if that aligation weare true)
That what I did was an act Conducinge for the advancment <o> of myne owne ende, and that I might be drawne, or the wourld may see, an act of great inconstancy, in me, and that therefore I may not be trusted, or Looked on as a man fitt to serue in this cause, or to deserue the Creditt or reputation of an honest man
To which I returne this answere,
<p> That indeed I said, That wheither his Maiestie or the parliament did prevayle, it were good service to Strengthen the forte rather, by an [enquire] fforaigne as the Dunkirke was, then depend vppon the Irish, or give Confidence to theire releeife on which noe man ought to trust I hoped my Lo: of Ormound would not be offended at it, and further that I did hope the Kinge and Parliament would shortly agree and then all his proper rights would reverte into his owne handes:
<q> To which his Lordship: gaue answere beinge much afflicted at our subscribinge to the Couenant, that it did much Joye his hearte, to finde the forte Soe affected, and that it did much ease his affliction, and that he would write to my Lo: of Ormonde intimatinge Soe much, but still reserued a confidence, that those woordes might retard, our vndertaking and take vs of from our affection to the Couenant, and become againe Connivers, at that mistery of in equitie, that wee Should rather, adheare to my Lo: of Ormond, in what State soeuer he Stoode, then the parliament, that by his Maiesties

fol. 148v

free assent, were the vndertakers of and protector of the poore protestants of Ireland, which his Lordship exprest by theese woordes,
I haue a Commission from my Lo: Lieutenant not to give impediment <s> to any that Shall trade with the Irish from forraigne parts therefore I Commaund yow not to medle with the frigatt but Lett her pass,
That your will be all questioned for your Liues for medlinge <t> with the Kinges subiectes, meaninge the Dunkirkes, or those in his Maiesties protection meaninge the Dunkirkes, beeinge Laden for Ireland with sault, but to Carrie from hence Souldiers

fol. 149r

fol. 149v

A note of remembrance

Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Lo: of Ormond
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned