Examination of William Apesly
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fol. 127r
The Examynacion of William Apesly gentleman taken before me the 7th day of 9ber 1641
<Q> Whoe deposeth, and saith, That about the 23th day of 8ber last, beinge satturday, this Examynant heareinge, (beinge in a shipe with many other, which were abounde to goe to Spaine as souldiers) in the harbour of dublin that the Lo: MaGwyre and seuerall other were aprehended, and put into the Castle, And that diuerse were oute in rebellion in the North parte of I this Kingdome, wished that he this Examynant and the rest were then with the said Rebles, (to the end they might, supress <R> them) And therevppon the said one Luke alias Simon Marriott wished that they woulde were with the said Rebles, that then they woulde make some of the protestants smoake, And alledged that they (meaninge the protestants) had money enough, and it were a good deed to Cutt theire throates, And this Examynant <S> further saith that the said Marriott, beinge then his Leiuetenant did behaue himselfe, towards the Examynant and such other protestants as weare a shipp boarde, vnder his Comaunde, very viollent & bitter, not sufferinge them to goe to prayers, And further saith not,
Will: Apsley
Ge Shurley
fol. 127v
7o Nove{emb}ris 1641
The Examinacion of
William Apsley taken
before the Lord Chief Justice
of the Kings Bench