Examination of Maurice Cavenagh
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fol. 150r
The Examinacion of George Hackett Maurice Cavenagh seruant to Dermott Cavanagh of Lassallycan in the County of Catherlagh gent taken before me us Sir Richard Bolton knight Lord Chancellor of Ireland & Sir Gerrard Lowther knight Lord Chief Justice of his Maiesties Court of Chief Please dat 9o 9bris 1641.
This Examinat saith that hee hath beene seruant unto the <F> said Dermott Cavenagh for the space of three or four weekes & that about a month since he came out of England where he had serued as a Trouper in the late northern Expedicion under the Command of in the Regiment of the Earle of Carnarvan all the time of that service & that before that time he serued in france as Antient under the Regiment of Coronell Synnott for the space of a yeere & saith that his businesse in coming to this Towne was to att wait on his said Maister Dermott Cauenagh & that the cause of his Masters comming hither was to fetch some writings as he tould this Examinant
Morish Keanngh
Ri: Bolton Canc
Gerrard Lowther
fol. 150v
fol. 151r
fol. 151v
9o 9bris 1641
The Examinacion of
Maurice Cavenagh
This conteyneth
but a light suspition