Examination of William Rowen
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fol. 188r
The Examinacion of William Rowen of Finglas Butcher taken before us Sir Richard Bolton Knight Lord Chancellor of Ireland & Sir Gerrard Lowther Knight Lord Chief Justice of his Maiesties Court of Chief Pleas this 19th day of November 1641.
<L> This Examinant saith that upon Thursday last was fortnight at night this Examinant Richard Delahide John Sephton Bartholomew Welsh Henry Merrick John Coopland Patrick Weston Patrick Dillon & diuerse others whose names hee now remembreth not were drinking together at the howse of John England in Finglas were they stayed but saith that he doth not remember that att that time or any other time they had any discourse conerning the Rebells in in the North. And saith that he never had any intention to goe towards neither hee nor any other to his knowledge had any intention to goe towards the Rebells in the North to k see in what state the stoode Hee further saith that on the Sunday before they hearing by Sir Henry <M> Tichborne his Coachman that there were three hundred Rebells in the parish of Santry this Examinant said to John Sephton & others that if Sir Edward Bagshaw would giue him leaue hee would goe to Santry to see if that were true or not & thereupon the said John Sephton said that if hee had a horse hee would bare him Company for his owne horse was fallen lame this Examinant replyed that if hee would soe doe per adventure they might borrow a horse in the Towne for that purpose Hee further saith that the next morning after this Examinant went to the Constables to of Finglas & tould him that he would had lost a Cow & that he would goe to Santry as well to seeke for <N> his Cow as to know whether that report were true or not And that hee went to Santry accordingly & there found a Troupe of horse & enquired of of the Troupers & likewise of the Townes people whether any Rebells had beene there or not who tould him that there had bene none there & then this Examinant went to Swords where he bought his Cow & likewise enquired there aswell for his Cow as whether
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<O> any Rebells had bene there and the people of Swords tould him there had bene none And then returning homeward he found his Cow at Dunbrow & so came home & brought his Cow with him & tould his neighbours of Finglas that the report made by Sir Henry Tichborne his Coachman was altogether untrue And denyeth that either hee this Examinant or any other to his Knowledge was promised any horse by the sa <P> did promise the said John Sephton any horse to goe & help the rebells or to any other purpose then is aboue expressed He farther denyeth that euer he knew or heard of any plott or conspiracy for the taking or burning the Towne of Finglas or any howse therein or thereabouts or that Richard Delahide was levying or intended to leavy any men to follow the Kings Sould souldiers to the North or to any other purpose.
William Rowen
Ri: Bolton Canc
Gerrard Lowther
fol. 189r
fol. 189v
19o 9bris 1641.
The Examinacion of William
This examinacion doth
not conteyne any
cryme in it but
only a discourse
betwene thexaminat
and Sephton
concering the Rebels