Examination of John Den

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=809202v107] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:32 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1641-11-25
Identifier: 809202v107


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Words, Investigative
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 202v

The within named John Den beeing further examined on the 25th of Nouember 1641
<E> Saith that vppon satturday last one Richard Archbold merchant of [ ] dwelling without Newgate in this Citty tould him that as hee the said Archbold was comeing from the County of Wickloe hee mett with was soe frighted with the rebels that hee said that if hee heard not better newes within foureteene or fifteene daies hee would <F> rather liue in the Country then in this Citty but that hee was affraid if hee had gone into the Country hee should bee counted a Rebell, but this examinat denieth that euer hee heard him the said Archbold or any other say any such wordes as are mencioned in his former examinacion,
John Denn

fol. 203r

fol. 203v

22 No: 1641
Examjnation of John

Deponent Fullname: John Den
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Richard Archbold
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned