Report on what happened at Cashel by Simon Salle
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 255r
2do Januarij 1641
What happened at Casshell when the Irish came in, on new yeares eave at night, & the tragidy acted by them the next morro
<A> Phillip O Dwyer of Dundrom cheefe in comaunde
Theobald Butler of Killoskehan & his brother Richard
Teige Meagher son & heire to Omeagher
Thomas Purcell son brother to the Barron of Luoghma
Donogh Dwyer brother to Phillip of Dundrom
Phillip magrath son to Brien of Blene in Ormond
Thaboue Comaunders reposeinge themselues that night about the later end therof being watching till about 4 of the clock after midnight had not such care ouer theire souldiors as to keepe them from the barbarous & vnhumane killing of 10 of the English neighbors togither with a woman and shee being with child [ ] whose corps were buried some by John Hackett & some by me, & Edward Sall then Maior sent by his wife six sheetes to the said John hackett
the said Edward beinge in the Castle wheare he had the charter, his badges vidzt the sword & 2 maces came to Phillip O Dwyer beinge sent for & deliuered these thinges vnto him and the keys of the gates Immediatly after the [ ] said Phillip O Dwyer imployed thaboue, and <B> diuers others to gather all the goods belonging to the English & bring them to my ffathers howse being then in the occupacion of Mr William Beane Inkeeper, they also seized on all the corne neere the Deanes groue
soone after the said Phillip o Dwyer & all the crew parted Casshell having left his brother Donogh his Deputie with some companies, and intrusting Edmond Dwyer & his brother John of Cnockgorman with the guarding & keepeing of theire store howse, before he went he hanged one for the said killing
<C> They came to Casshell afterwards without longe delaie, and diuided all the goods of the English by lotts & amonge thaboue Commaunders or Captains was Owhiny O Dwyer alias O Dywer who received a share of the division - Thomas Dwyer miller killed litle George of Ardmaile Alexander Boyton of Casshell tould myselfe that it was he invited mr Dwyer by letters, & the barron Luoghma likewise & had ladders readdy for them in his orchard, it was he that appointed where to cut the gate
my vncle Phillip Dwyer killd Bannister. William mc Phillip taylor killd Tho: Sadler & Linsy Phillip mc Shane of Clonoulty his children killed Ric lane, the tyler mr Carre & mr Beane Phillip mcgrath killed Beanes tapster & the tylers wife { } killed some as I founde out.
fol. 255v
<D> Barron Luoghma came to Casshell some dayes before the said new yeares eave with a greate partie of horse & foote, who reposed themselues at St Patricks Church that night & in the howses without Casshell & St Dominicks moore, whose partie rifled Doctor Pullens howse & the Deanes, and one Phillip mc Grath broake the paire of windinstruments which lay at Doctor Pullens
they seized also vpon Mr Olliuer Jones his hay corne & such like he & his wife being then at Clonmell
I beinge arrived at Casshell on Christemas eaue being in England all the summor & winter thitherto saw much of this & heard of seuerall sortes both of those English saued by my wife & myselfe & of the townesmen also what I writt: which I doubt not is true.
Simon: Salle
persons secure & protected by my wife & me for 14 daies vpon a cockloft
Chichester Guin sadler & his wife
Thomas Clinton
Besse Hope & her daughter
mr Price his wife
the Millers wife
Stephen Sadler & his wife
Anne Harding
The Exam of
Simon Salle Com Tiper.
Aug. 27. 1652.
Cashell murther
I sent to the vndernamed persons to my chamber eodem secundo Januarij & desired them to giue me as neere as they could an accompt of the murtherers, by whose relacion, and by my owne inquirie further of the matter I tooke in hand what is conteyned in this paper
Ellen Creagh
ffrancis SallEllen Sutton
William KearneyMargaret Morin
Geffrey SallThomas Kearney
Walter fflemingEdward Butler
Simon Salle
fol. 256r
Co: Tiperary
The Examination of
Symon Salle. Aug.
24. 1652.
Cashell murthers.
fol. 256v
Com Tiperary XV.
The Exam: of
Symon Sall. [ ]
Aug: 24. 1652.
Cashell murther.